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Renewing Your Mind

renewing your mind

Key Verse

Romans 12:1-2

Additional Verses

2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:10; Ephesians 4:22-24

Materials Needed

  • Glass
  • Container of milk (or juice, soda, or whatever as long as it is obviously different from water.)
  • Tall pitcher of water.
  • Pan or tray to catch the overflow


You will want to test out this object lesson to make sure that you have enough water to fully displace the milk in the glass.

Object Lesson

In Romans 12:1-2 it tells us that we shouldn’t be the same as the world and that we should let God change the way that we think. Many people talk about being “street wise” or “worldly-wise” and that means that you think the way that the world thinks. However, God wants us to think the way that He thinks. He wants you to be renewing your mind.

(Show the glass and place it in the pan.)

This glass is going to represent your mind. The things that you think about. (Fill the glass full of milk.) Now it is full of all kinds of bad thoughts. Things of the world. Basically thinking in a way that does not please God. If you have thoughts about lying, or cheating or doing something wrong those a thoughts that don’t please God.

God wants us to change the way that we think. Everyone look really hard at this glass and let’s make it change into something else just by looking at it. Ready? Go!

(Stare very intently at the milk.)

Nothing happened! How can we change what is in the glass? How do we change the way that we think? By filling it up with something else.

(Show the pitcher full of water.)

This pitcher of water will represent God’s Word, the Bible. (Slowly start pouring the water into the glass of milk, letting it overflow into the pan.) Instead of letting our thoughts be filled with things of the world we should let it get filled with God’s Word. It is so easy to let the world’s thinking slip in. We are exposed to it on TV, movies, music, magazines, the Internet and many other ways. We need to fill our lives with God’s Word.

(The milk should be overflowing, and now it should be noticeably diluted.)

Do you see what is happening? The water is replacing the milk. The same way that when we pour God’s Word into our lives it begins to change the way that we think by replacing those worldly thoughts. (Continue to pour the water.)

The more we let God’s Word into our life the more it will clean us and help us to think the way that God wants us to. Sometimes more bad thinking gets added back in and that is why we need to study God’s Word on a daily basis.

(The glass should be mostly clear.)

Let us read and study God’s Word and let it transform the way that we think.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/renewing-your-mind#:~:text=in the glass - Object Lesson the way that He thinks
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/renewing-your-mind
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/renewing-your-mind#:~:text=in the glass - Object Lesson the way that we think
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  • romans 12 lesson
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  • Renewing your mind lessons

Turn a New Leaf

turn a new leaf

Key Verse

Romans 12:2

Additional Verses

2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:10; Ephesians 4:22-24

Materials Needed

  • Leaf

Object Lesson

On New Years many people will come up with something called a New Year’s Resolution. This is a goal for the next year or something that you want to change about yourself. Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? (Allow for responses.)

(Show the leaf.)

Some people say that when you make changes in your life that you are turning over a new leaf. (Flip the leaf over.) Why do you think they say that? It is because you are looking at your life from a different perspective. You are seeing things from a different point of view.

In Romans 12:2 it says that we need to change the way that we think. Many times we just try to changes our actions and the things that we do. What God wants us to do it to change the way that we think. When we think about things from God’s perspective then we act in a way that He wants us to. When we turn over a new leaf in our life it should be to start thinking about things the way that God does.

As you make resolutions and think about things that you can change for the new year try turning over a new leaf. Try thinking about things God’s way. How do we think about things God’s way? By renewing our mind which comes from reading and meditating on God’s Word, the Bible.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/turn-new-leaf

Helmet of Salvation

helmet of salvation

Key Verse

Ephesians 6:17

Additional Verses

Isaiah 59:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:8

Materials Needed

  • Helmet (it can be a military helmet, knights helmet, football helmet or motorcycle helmet) or a large metal pot. Keep in mind that you may damage whatever you decide to use.
  • 2 pieces of fruit that can fit in the helmet (cantaloupe, watermelon, or even a pumpkin)
  • Hammer or sledge-hammer
  • Log on end to put the fruit on or anything that it sturdy enough to hold the fruit while it’s being smashed.


The idea is that you will take a piece of fruit and smash it. Then cover it with the “helmet” and try to smash it again, but it is protected because the helmet is covering it. Depending on the place you are presenting this in you may want to cover the floor with plastic.

Object Lesson

(Hold up the melon.)

I have a melon here and today this melon is going to represent you! In John 10:10 it says that the Devil comes to destroy you. He will put bad thoughts and temptations in your head and he will try to get you to do all kinds of bad things.

(Place the melon on the log or whatever you are using.)

So here you are minding your own business and then the devil comes to tempt you. (Pull out the sledge-hammer.) This hammer represents the devil as he comes to tempt and discourage you. (Hold the sledge-hammer high and then slam it into the melon completely smashing it.)

That didn’t work out so well for the melon did it? When the devil came with temptation it has no protection at all! Well, God wants to protect us from the attacks of the enemy. In Ephesians 6:17 we read about a piece of the Armor of God called the Helmet of Salvation.

(Take out your helmet.)

Do you know what a helmet is used for? (Wait for responses.) That’s right! It protects your head! The Bible says that we have a Helmet of Salvation and this will protect our head and mind as well. When we trust in Jesus for our Salvation we are protected from the thoughts of the evil one.

(Place the other melon on the log but this time cover it with the helmet.)

This melon is prepared for the attack of the devil now! It is covered with the Helmet of Salvation and it protected. What do you think will happen when it is attacked? Let’s see!

(Try to smash the melon again, but it is protected with the helmet. Then take the helmet off to show that the melon is still intact.)

See! The melon is fine. The helmet took the blow and protected the melon from getting hurt at all. When we are wearing the Helmet of Salvation we are protected from the thoughts and temptations that the devil sends our way. Let us put our trust in Christ and always wear the Helmet of Salvation.

Incoming search terms:

  • Helmet of Salvation Lesson
  • helmet of salvation object lesson
  • helmet of salvation lesson for kids
  • helmet of salvation