Helmet of Salvation
![helmet of salvation](https://i0.wp.com/freebiblelessons.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/helmet-of-salvation.jpg?resize=150%2C150)
Key Verse
Ephesians 6:17
Additional Verses
Isaiah 59:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:8
Materials Needed
- Helmet (it can be a military helmet, knights helmet, football helmet or motorcycle helmet) or a large metal pot. Keep in mind that you may damage whatever you decide to use.
- 2 pieces of fruit that can fit in the helmet (cantaloupe, watermelon, or even a pumpkin)
- Hammer or sledge-hammer
- Log on end to put the fruit on or anything that it sturdy enough to hold the fruit while it’s being smashed.
The idea is that you will take a piece of fruit and smash it. Then cover it with the “helmet” and try to smash it again, but it is protected because the helmet is covering it. Depending on the place you are presenting this in you may want to cover the floor with plastic.
Object Lesson
(Hold up the melon.)
I have a melon here and today this melon is going to represent you! In John 10:10 it says that the Devil comes to destroy you. He will put bad thoughts and temptations in your head and he will try to get you to do all kinds of bad things.
(Place the melon on the log or whatever you are using.)
So here you are minding your own business and then the devil comes to tempt you. (Pull out the sledge-hammer.) This hammer represents the devil as he comes to tempt and discourage you. (Hold the sledge-hammer high and then slam it into the melon completely smashing it.)
That didn’t work out so well for the melon did it? When the devil came with temptation it has no protection at all! Well, God wants to protect us from the attacks of the enemy. In Ephesians 6:17 we read about a piece of the Armor of God called the Helmet of Salvation.
(Take out your helmet.)
Do you know what a helmet is used for? (Wait for responses.) That’s right! It protects your head! The Bible says that we have a Helmet of Salvation and this will protect our head and mind as well. When we trust in Jesus for our Salvation we are protected from the thoughts of the evil one.
(Place the other melon on the log but this time cover it with the helmet.)
This melon is prepared for the attack of the devil now! It is covered with the Helmet of Salvation and it protected. What do you think will happen when it is attacked? Let’s see!
(Try to smash the melon again, but it is protected with the helmet. Then take the helmet off to show that the melon is still intact.)
See! The melon is fine. The helmet took the blow and protected the melon from getting hurt at all. When we are wearing the Helmet of Salvation we are protected from the thoughts and temptations that the devil sends our way. Let us put our trust in Christ and always wear the Helmet of Salvation.
Incoming search terms:
- Helmet of Salvation Lesson
- helmet of salvation object lesson
- helmet of salvation lesson for kids
- helmet of salvation