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Jesus is the Best Gift

Jesus is the Best Gift

Key Verse

John 3:16

Additional Verses

Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:9-10; Romans 8:32; Romans 5:10; John 3:36

Materials Needed

  • Small figure of baby Jesus, such as one from a nativity set (alternately you could use a cross)
  • A gift bag and tissue paper or a gift box and wrapping paper
  • Small treat or prize, such as a candy

Object Lesson

Do you guys like to open presents? I want some of you to tell me about the best present that you ever got! (Allow for responses).

The best present I ever got was (use your own story here).

Do you guys like to give presents? Isn’t it exciting to buy your friend a present and watch them open it on their birthday? Presents seem to get everyone excited. Well, I brought a present with me today (bring out the beautifully wrapped present) and I am going to let one of you open it.

(Choose a volunteer to open the gift. Ask the volunteer to tell everyone what it is:Baby Jesus or cross).

You know, God is a very generous giver. The Bible tells us in John 3:16 that God loved the world so much that He gave his only Son so that is any of us will believe in Him we won’t perish but we will have everlasting life in Heaven!

God sent His only Son into the world as a human baby and we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas. When Jesus was an adult He began to teach people about God and soon after that He died on the cross and He rose from the dead and that is what we celebrate at Easter time.

Now, imagine how hard it must have been for God to give up His only Son and allow Him to die on the cross for you and me. That must have been a hard thing to do, but God did it because He loves us so much. He says that all we have to do is believe in Jesus and we will have eternal life with Him in heaven. Believing in Jesus is the way that we receive this wonderful gift from God. You could also give someone the top wii games for kids to bring the family together at the end of along day and after you are done playing have a talk about god and pray.

(Say to your volunteer) I am going to give you a gift for helping me today (hold out the candy) and all you have to do is take it out of my hand to receive it. (Have the volunteer take the candy and sit down). All they had to do was receive it! I want to give all of your here the opportunity to receive this amazing gift, the gift of God’s Son and eternal life.  (Pray with them and give them the opportunity to receive Christ).

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/jesus-is-the-best-gift
  • our greatest gift is jesus

Pressed Down

Pressed down Shaken together

Key Verse

Luke 6:38

Additional Verses

Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:24-25; Matthew 6:21; 2 Corinthians 9:6

Materials Needed

  • 1 bag brown sugar (sugar should be fresh and moist)
  • A cup
  • 2 ziplock bags
  • Paper plate (optional)
  • Garbage bag
  • Chair for a child to sit in


Before the object lesson, place a large garbage bag on the floor and put the chair on top of it for easy clean-up.

Object Lesson

The Bible says that if you give to others, you will receive and that your gift will return to you in full.  That means that if you are generous to others, they will be generous back to you.

Have you heard the verse that says “you will reap what you sow” or maybe you’ve heard the expression “what goes around comes around.”  Well, that’s exactly what this verse is talking about.  Luke 6:38 also says that when you give, you will receive the blessing back but it will be pressed down and shaken together to make room for more.

Now I brought some brown sugar with me today and I am going to do a little experiment.  I am going to put some brown sugar into two different bags and I want you to tell me which bag has more than the other. I am going to use he same size cup to do this.

(Take the cup and loosely scoop some brown sugar and put it into one of the ziplock bags).

Now I’m going to put some in the other bag, but I am going to pack the sugar down.

(Pack as much sugar as possible into the cup and plunk it into the second bag).

Now I need a volunteer to hold both of these bags and tell me which one they think has more sugar in it.  (Allow a couple of volunteers to tell you what they think).  Yes, the sugar that I pressed down has more in it.

God says that’s how much we will get return when we give.  Luke 6:38 goes on to say that we will receive our blessing pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over and poured into your lap.

Now I need another volunteer to help me. (Have volunteer sit in the chair and put the paper plate on their lap).

I am going to give you a blessing like the Bible is talking about.  (Scoop some brown sugar up with the cup, over the volunteer’s lap.  Pack it down, then continue pouring sugar into the cup until it spills all over the volunteer’s lap and even onto the floor).

That is how much God will bless you if you give generously to others.  The amount you give will determine the amount you give back.


Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/pressed-down

Same Measure You Used

Same Measure You Used

Key Verse

Luke 6:38

Additional Verses

Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:24-25; Matthew 6:21; 2 Corinthians 9:6

Materials Needed

  • Small measuring cup (1 cup)
  • Large measuring cup (several cups)
  • Large pot or barrel

Object Lesson

Once up a time a king decided that he wanted to see how generous the people of his kingdom were. So the king dressed like a poor man and went into the countryside.

He came to a home and he knocked on the door. A man came to the door and the king kindly held asked, “May I have some rice to feed myself and my family?”

The man at the door took a few moments and then agreed to help. A few moments later the man returned with a small cup (show the smallest cup) of rice which he gave to the king. The king bowed and kindly thanked the fellow and went on his way.

The king came to another home, and knocked again on the door. A mother came and answered the door.  The king kindly asked, “May I have some rice to feed myself and my family?”

The woman quickly agreed and quickly went into the house. She returned a few moments later with a large scoop (show the next sized measure) full of rice which she gave to the king. The king thanked her and went on his way.

The king soon arrived at a third house and an elderly man answered the door. Once again the king asked, “May I have some rice to feed myself and my family?”

The elderly man’s eyes lit up and he quickly hobbled away. After a few minutes the man returned to the door straining to carry a very large pot (show the largest container) full and overflowing of rice. The man handed it over to the king, along with a few small coins and wished him well.

The king returned to his castle and had one of his servants go to the homes that he visited and send for them to visit the king. The servant went quickly and soon returned with the three that the king visited. The servant was instructed to lead them into his royal treasury where they would each see the container that had been used to give him the rice and that each would be able to take as much treasure as was able to fit into their measure.

How do you think the person that used the small measure felt when they entered the royal treasury?

In Luke 6:38 we are told that whatever measure we use to bless others is the same measure that God will use to bless us. Let us be generous to others so that we can receive God’s full blessing on our lives.

Pressed Down, Shaken Together and Running Over

Pressed down shaken together and running over

Key Verse

Luke 6:38

Additional Verses

Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:24-25; Matthew 6:21; 2 Corinthians 9:6

Materials Needed

  • Potato chips or box of cereal

Object Lesson

How many of you like to eat potato chips? What is your favorite kind? (Wait for responses.)

I love to eat chips, but I am always so disappointed when I open the bag. I have this huge bag of chips and I open it up (open the bag of chips and show the inside) and it is only half full! It’s like I went to buy a bag of air and I found a couple chips inside!

The Bible says in Luke 6:38 that we should give generously to others. I know that it isn’t always easy to give things away though. What are some reasons that we might not want to give things away? (Wait for some responses.) Maybe because we are afraid that we won’t have enough?

Well in that verse is says that when we give it will come back to us. But not just the same that we gave! It won’t come back like this back of chips, half empty. It will come back pressed down, shaken together and running over! Most bags of chips and boxes of cereal say “some settling may occur during shipping.” Well God doesn’t allow settling to happen during shipping. He presses our blessings down, shakes them together and adds more until it is running over!

So, whenever you feel hesitant to help someone in need or be generous, just remember that God will bless you more than you can even imagine!

Generosity Attracts God’s Blessing

Generosity Object Lesson

Key Verse

Malachi 3:10

Additional Verses

Deuteronomy 14:22-28; Deuteronomy 15:10; Matthew 23:23; Luke 6:38

Materials Needed

  • ten $1 bills

Object Lesson

Do any of you get an allowance? What do you have to do to earn it? (Wait for responses.)

The Bible teaches us that we have to be generous with our money, but do you know what more people want to do? They want to hold on to it tightly. (Squeeze the money in one of your hands.)

They see someone in need and instead of being generous and helping them, they squeeze onto their money.

They go to church and they know God wants them to give their tithes and offerings generously, but instead they squeeze tightly onto what they have.

But there is a very big problem. See in Malachi 3:10 God says that he wants to open the windows of Heaven to bless you! Doesn’t that sound pretty amazing? Would you like God to bless you like that?

(Keep squeezing the money.)

The problem is that when God tried to bless us He can’t because our hands are closed too tightly from holding onto what we have. We are clinging so tightly to our money that God cannot bless us like he wants to. This attitude towards wealth can prevent us from experiencing true financial blessing and stability. Many people are seeking financial growth through various platforms, and a Coinbase Platform Review might help you understand how new financial opportunities could align with your values and bring lasting security.

What do we need to do to be able to get the blessings from God? We need to open our hands. (Open your hand.)

When our hands are open we are now willing to give generously to our church and to those in need. When our hands are open we are now able to fully receive the blessings from Heaven that God wants to give us.

Incoming search terms:

  • object lessons on generosity
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/generosity-attracts-gods-blessing
  • generosity object lesson