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Words That Cut

Words that Cut

Key Verse

Psalm 34:13

Additional Verses

Ephesians 4:29; Proverbs 15:1; Proverbs 12:18; James 1:26; Proverbs 18:21

Materials Needed

  • Log
  • Axe or hatchet


You may want to anchor the log to the floor to keep it from moving.

Object Lesson

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” Do you believe it? Well many people say that and try to act like words don’t hurt them, but in reality words do cut like a knife.

Have we ever said something that hurt someone? I think we all probably have at some point in our lives. James talks a lot about the power of the tongue and how dangerous it really is. In Psalm 34:13 it says that we should keep out tongue from saying evil things.

(Take a couple of chops into the log. Be careful that you don’t hit anyone with the chips.)

Sometimes we say things that are hurtful and then we say that we are “just kidding.” That is kind of like chopping into this log (take a couple more chops into the log) and then telling it that I was just kidding.

The damage has already been done. We need to be very careful with our words, because they cut even deeper than this axe does. The Bible tells us often to encourage others. Are our words encouraging to others?

Control Your Tongue

bit and bridle

Key Verse

James 1:26

Additional Verses

James 3:3-5; Psalm 39:1; Proverbs 18:21; Philippians 4:8

Materials Needed

  • Horse bit and bridle.

Object Lesson

(Hold up the bit and bridle.)

Do any of you know what this is? (Wait for a response.) This is a bridle for a horse, and this metal piece here is the bit. Do you know where the bit goes? It goes in the horse’s mouth! Then you hold on to the reigns and when you pull on one side it causes the bit to tug on one side of the horse’s mouth and he will turn in that direction. When you pull on the other side, then she will turn that way. Do you know what happens when you pull them both at the same time? The horse should stop!

In the book of James it talks a lot about learning how to control our tongue. In James 3:3 it says that a bit is very small but it can control the entire horse. That means that if you want to control a gigantic horse all you need to do is control the bit in its mouth.

In James 1:26 it tells us that we may try to act religious, but if we cannot control our tongue then our religion is worthless. If we learn how to control this tiny bit then we can control a huge horse. If we learn how to control our tongue we can control our whole body.

We control our tongue by only speaking good and honorable things. When we gossip or when we tell lies or say bad things about people we are not controlling our tongues at all, and the Bible says that our religion is worthless.

Let us learn how to control our tongues. If you are tempted to say something that you shouldn’t maybe you should walk away for a few minutes. Maybe you should bite your tongue! Maybe you should think of something nice to say instead.

Incoming search terms:

  • Object Lesson On the Tongue
  • Controlling the Tongue Bible Study

What’s in Your Heart?

what's in your heart

Key Verse

Luke 6:45

Additional Verses

Ephesians 4:29; Matthew 15:18-19; Ephesians 4:29

Materials Needed

  • Cup of hot water
  • Tea bag (a variety of tea bags would be better)

Object Lesson

(Hold up the cup of hot water.)

Does anyone know what this is? (Wait for a response.) That’s right, it is a cup of water, but not just any water, this is hot water.

(Hold up the tea bag.)

Do you know what this is? (Wait for a response.) Correct, it is a tea bag. Can anyone tell me what color of tea this tea bag will make? (Wait for responses.) Those are good guesses, but there is no way for you to know until I brew it in this hot water.

(Place the tea bag in the hot water.)

When we look around at each other on Sunday at church we kind of look like this tea bag. We all dress similar. We talk the same. We act the same. But is that who we really are? No, not necessarily. Some of us might really love God and are following Him as best we can and some of us might now even care at all.

(Hold up the cup of tea.)

What am I holding now? (Allow a response.) That’s right, it is not longer hot water. Now it is tea, and we can see what color it is! What color is it?

Just like we can’t tell what color a tea will become before putting it in hot water, we cannot tell what’s in your heart until you are in hot water. In Luke 6:45 it says that a good person produces good things and a bad person produces bad things. What kind of hot water? Maybe you get in trouble. Maybe when you get hurt. Maybe when someone teases you. When we are in hot water the real “you” comes out!

We need to make sure that when we face the “hot water” of life that good things come out and not bad things.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/whats-in-your-heart

Don’t Explode with Anger

Don't Explode with Anger Object Lesson

Key Verse

Ephesians 4:26

Additional Verses

Psalm 4:4, Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:1, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Ephesians 4:26-27, Colossians 3:8

Materials Needed

  • Can of soda

Object Lesson

The bible tells us in Ephesians 4:26 that when we get angry we need to be very careful not to sin. Sinning is when we do something that goes against God’s rules for our life like pushing, fighting, and saying unkind things.

Have you ever been really mad at someone?

(Take out can of soda.)

When we get angry it is like shaking this can of soda up. (Shake the can hard then act like you are going to open it.)

What would happen if I opened this can? It would explode everywhere!

(Set the can down and make sure you give it at least a minute or two before picking it up again. It would be best if you test this before presenting it.)

So if you were are all angry like this can and you sin by getting in a fight or calling someone bad names it would be like opening this can and it spraying everywhere!

Sometimes what we need to do it walk away and pray and ask God to help us to calm down and not respond in sin.

(Take the can and open it. It should open normally now. Make this dramatic so the kids think it will spray everywhere.)

See all this can needed was a few moments of quite and it calmed down and it could be opened without exploding. When we are angry we open need a few moment so that we can react without sinning.

Anger, angry, sin, fight, hurtful words


Incoming search terms:

  • free bible lessons
  • object lesson on anger
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/dont-explode-with-anger
  • object lessons on anger
  • anger object lesson
  • ephesians 4:26 kids lesson
  • sunday school lesson on anger
  • youth bible study on anger
  • object lesson on anger for children
  • yhs-default

Sticks and Stones

Key Verse

Proverbs 11:9

Additional Verses

Proverbs 12:6, Proverbs 12:18, Proverbs 15:4

Materials Needed

  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Board

Object Lesson

Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words
Will never hurt me.

 We have all heard this rhyme, and although it sounds kind of cute, it’s really not true at all!  Words do hurt.  If someone says something rude to you or lies about you, you may smile on the outside and try to look tough, but on the inside it hurts a lot!  It feel like a nail has been gaming driven straight into you.

(Take out the board and nail a nail into it).

Each time someone says something hurtful it is like driving another nail into you. (Drive another nail).

Maybe sometimes you get angry and say something mean or hurtful to someone else.  Guess what that is doing?  That is like driving a online game nail into them.  (Drive another nail).

Sure, sticks and stones may break our bones, but words can certainly hurt you!  (Drive another nail).

(Hold up the board with the nails in it).

The sad thing is that many people go through life with all of these nails stuck in them.  They don’t go away very easily.  Maybe is something a parent said, or a friend, or a teacher that still bothers you years and years later.

Only through God’s help and being willing to forgive other can these nails be taken out.

(Take out all of the nails and then hold up the board).

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However, even though all of the nails are out you still see the scars and marks that those words left.  We need to be be quick to forgive gamer  people of the hurtful words that they say.  We also need to be careful that we are not the one using painful words on others.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/sticks-and-stones