Pumpkin Bowling

Materials Needed
- Several small pumpkins
- 10 one or two liter soda bottles filled with water
How To Play
This is as simple game that is great for a classroom or for a Fall festival.
Set up the ten soda bottles in a bowling pattern and then mark a line ten feet away. Give each player three pumpkins and they have to roll them and try to knock down all the bottles.
In a class you can play several rounds to decide who has the highest score. Or you can simply give a prize to anyone who knocks all the soda bottles down.
Helmet of Salvation

Key Verse
Ephesians 6:17
Additional Verses
Isaiah 59:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:8
Materials Needed
- Helmet (it can be a military helmet, knights helmet, football helmet or motorcycle helmet) or a large metal pot. Keep in mind that you may damage whatever you decide to use.
- 2 pieces of fruit that can fit in the helmet (cantaloupe, watermelon, or even a pumpkin)
- Hammer or sledge-hammer
- Log on end to put the fruit on or anything that it sturdy enough to hold the fruit while it’s being smashed.
The idea is that you will take a piece of fruit and smash it. Then cover it with the “helmet” and try to smash it again, but it is protected because the helmet is covering it. Depending on the place you are presenting this in you may want to cover the floor with plastic.
Object Lesson
(Hold up the melon.)
I have a melon here and today this melon is going to represent you! In John 10:10 it says that the Devil comes to destroy you. He will put bad thoughts and temptations in your head and he will try to get you to do all kinds of bad things.
(Place the melon on the log or whatever you are using.)
So here you are minding your own business and then the devil comes to tempt you. (Pull out the sledge-hammer.) This hammer represents the devil as he comes to tempt and discourage you. (Hold the sledge-hammer high and then slam it into the melon completely smashing it.)
That didn’t work out so well for the melon did it? When the devil came with temptation it has no protection at all! Well, God wants to protect us from the attacks of the enemy. In Ephesians 6:17 we read about a piece of the Armor of God called the Helmet of Salvation.
(Take out your helmet.)
Do you know what a helmet is used for? (Wait for responses.) That’s right! It protects your head! The Bible says that we have a Helmet of Salvation and this will protect our head and mind as well. When we trust in Jesus for our Salvation we are protected from the thoughts of the evil one.
(Place the other melon on the log but this time cover it with the helmet.)
This melon is prepared for the attack of the devil now! It is covered with the Helmet of Salvation and it protected. What do you think will happen when it is attacked? Let’s see!
(Try to smash the melon again, but it is protected with the helmet. Then take the helmet off to show that the melon is still intact.)
See! The melon is fine. The helmet took the blow and protected the melon from getting hurt at all. When we are wearing the Helmet of Salvation we are protected from the thoughts and temptations that the devil sends our way. Let us put our trust in Christ and always wear the Helmet of Salvation.
Beautiful Feet

Key Verse
Romans 10:15
Additional Verses
Isaiah 52:7; Nahum 1:15; Ephesians 6:15
Materials Needed
- Your feet
Object Lesson
How many of you like feet? Do you like how they look? Do you like how they smell? I’m going to show you what my feet look like.
(Take off your socks and shoes and shoe off your lovely feet.) 🙂
Take a look at my feet! Aren’t they SO beautiful? Would you like to smell my feet? (Wait for a response.) I didn’t think so!
Feet are usually not the most beautiful feature of someone’s body. We may think someone has a beautiful face or hands, but we usually think that someone has beautiful feet.
Sometimes feet have fungus. Maybe a foot might have a yellow or black toenail. Some feet have warts or bunions. A lot of feet smell pretty stinky. These things are certainly not beautiful.
Do you know who likes feet? God does! In fact he says that some people’s feet are beautiful! In Romans 10:15 it says that God think your feet are beautiful if are telling people the Good News about Jesus! It doesn’t matter if you have a big wart, a yellow toenail and if they stink like a skunk! God says that your feet are beautiful!
Have you ever told a friend about God? Have you ever invited someone to church? Have you ever helped someone who was in need? Have you ever prayed with someone? God loves it when we do this! God wants us to go and make disciples of all people and tell them about the Salvation we can get through Jesus.
How do your feet look? Does God think your feet are beautiful?
Wearing Masks

Key Verse
Matthew 23:25-26
Additional Verses
Romans 3:23; Romans 3:10; 1 Samuel 16:7
Materials Needed
- Masks
Object Lesson
(Come out wearing a mask.)
Have you ever worn a mask before? It can be fun to put on a mask and act like someone else. (Try on a few different masks.) Why do people wear masks? (Wait for responses.) To look like someone or something else. A mask hides what you really look like. Sometimes when people rob a bank or commit a crime they will wear a mask so no one can see what they look like.
Do you ever wear a mask? I don’t mean a real mask over your face though. Sometimes people will act a certain way so that people will think that they are better than they really are. They will come to church and say the right things, and sing loud, and act like a follower of Jesus, but it is really just a mask that they are wearing.
Jesus was upset at the Pharisees one day because they would dress fancy and act like they loved God but really they were mean and unkind to people. Jesus said in Matthew 23:25-26 that they were like a tomb or a casket that was painted to look really nice, but inside was only a skeleton! He said that they were like a cup that was nice and clean on the outside, but was really dirty on the inside.
Do you ever try to make yourself look better than you really are? Do you try to impress people? We all do this at times. But God wants us to be humble. Instead of saying that we love God and other people He wants us to actually love them! We show that we love Him by our actions. By how we live.
God is not fooled by a mask. In 1 Samuel 16:7 it says that people look at the outside but God looks at our heart. Let us make sure that our actions are pleasing and honorable to God.
Good News

Key Verse
Mark 13:10
Additional Verses
Romans 1:15-17; 1 Corinthians 1:17; 1 Corinthians 9:23; 1 Corinthians 15:1-2; Colossians 1:5-7
Materials Needed
- Newspaper
- Bible
Object Lesson
(Show everyone the news paper and pretend to read it.)
Do you know what this is? (Wait for a response.) It’s a newspaper! Many of us don’t use these anymore because we get our news on the Internet, but some people still like to read them. Do you know what a newspaper does? It writes stories about the things that happened recently.
Do you know what the sad thing about a newspaper is though? Most of the news in it is bad. (Read some of the headlines if they are appropriate.) It tells stories about who stole from who. How bad the government is. Who hurt someone. Stories about war. Stories about storms. It’s all a bunch of BAD NEWS!
I don’t know about you, but I get sick and tired of all the bad news! I want some good news! Do you want some good news? If someone says to you that they have “good news” and “bad news” which do you want to hear? The good news!
(Hold up the Bible.)
This is the Bible, God’s Word, the Gospel…the Good News! Do you know why this is called the Good News? Because it doesn’t tell us all the bad things about the world, it tells us how to live a new life. How to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! It shows us how we can have Salvation and how Christ has prepared a place for us to live with Him in Heaven.
In Mark 13:10 it tells us that we are supposed to tell other people about this Good News that we have! We are not supposed to just keep it to ourselves! We are supposed to share it.
We are told in the Scripture that we need to tell others about Jesus and how they can be saved. This is the Good News! Let’s share it with others!
Umbrella of Protection

Key Verse
Psalm 18:30
Additional Verses
Psalm 17:8; Psalm 91:4; Psalm 32:7
Materials Needed
- Umbrella
Object Lesson
(Show everyone the umbrella.)
Does anyone know what this is? That’s right it is an umbrella. Do any of you have an umbrella? What we do use umbrellas for? (Wait for a response.) We use them to keep dry in the rain. More specifically we use them for protection.
An umbrella can protect us from the rain, sleet, snow, or you can even use it on a bright sunny day as protection from the sun. The umbrella covers you when you are in bad weather and it protects you from all kinds of things.
In Psalm 18:30 it says that God is like a strong tower and he protects us and keeps us safe. God is like an umbrella for us. He covers us and keeps us safe. What kinds of things do you think God keeps us safe from? (Wait for responses.) Keeps us safe driving. Keeps us healthy. Keeps us safe from storms. He keeps us safe from all kinds of things!
Whenever we go out in the rain and we need to use and umbrella always remember that God is the one that keeps us safe. We can always run to him and find shelter and safety from whatever things we face in our life. When He is protecting us we do not need to be afraid or scared of anything!
Calming our Fears

Key Verse
Isaiah 41:10
Additional Verses
2 Timothy 1:7; Psalm 56:3; Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 34:4; 1 John 4:18
Materials Needed
- Teddy bear
- Blanket
- Money
Object Lesson
We all face things in our lives that cause us to be afraid and full of fear. God doesn’t want us to be afraid, but sometimes we let ourselves slide into fear and that’s exactly where we end up needing the ultra enhanced kratom products. Have you ever been afraid before? Tell me about a time when you were afraid. (Wait for responses.)
What are some things that comfort us when we are afraid? What things do you hold on to when you are scared? (Wait for response.)
(Hold up the teddy bear.)
Do you think this will help you when you are afraid? Well, some people like to hold a stuffed animal when they are afraid, but I don’t think it would really help protect you very much.
(Hold up the blanket.)
How about this blanket? Have you ever hid under the blankets when you are afraid of a storm or something? It might comfort you a little bit, but I don’t think it will really keep you very safe.
(Hold up some money.)
How about this money? Did you know that many people think that having money will keep them safe and secure. They think that they can handle anything as long as they have money. Money might be able to help you with some things, but it really can’t protect you and keep you safe.
There is someone who can keep you safe and comfort you. In Isaiah 41:10 we see that God doesn’t want us to be afraid because He is with us! He says that He will give us strength to overcome the things that we face.
So when we are scared and afraid let’s not hold a teddy, blanket or money. Instead let us put our faith and trust in God and hold the One who says He will give us the strength that we need.
Power of Fear

Key Verse
2 Timothy 1:7
Additional Verses
1 John 4:4; Romans 10:17; 1 John 4:18; John 14:27; Luke 10:19; Micah 3:8
Materials Needed
- Voodoo doll, or small kids doll
- Needles
Object Lesson
(Hold up the doll and the needles.)
Many people around the world believe in something called voodoo and that if you take a silly little doll called a voodoo doll and poke it with needles that you can actually hurt your enemy. Many people actually believe this, and maybe you have even heard about it before? Some people live in fear that someone will try to harm them with a little silly doll and some needles. Well, I am here to say that you don’t need to be afraid of it!
The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Some people will say that voodoo really works, but it doesn’t! I will tell you what works. Fear works! When you are afraid of something, like voodoo, it can begin to control you. Voodoo doesn’t really have any power over you unless you are afraid of it and then let the fear control you.
God’s Word says in 1 John 4:4 that the power of God is greater in us than any other power in the whole world! When you have the power of God in your life, no spell, hex or voodoo doll can do ANYTHING to you. The devil is powerless over you. The only power that the devil really has over you is that he can plant fear in your head. If you start to think about those fears it will make you afraid. When you believe bad things will happen to you, it actually starts to come true.
Instead we need to think about Good things. We need to build up our faith! The Bible teaches us in Romans 10:17 that faith comes from hearing God’s word. When we have faith we believe in God that He will take care of us, and our fear will disappear!
Clean Inside

Key Verse
Matthew 23:25-26
Additional Verses
Matthew 15:19-20; James 4:8; Matthew 12:33; Luke 6:45; Jeremiah 4:14
Materials Needed
- Nice looking cup or glass (something not clear works best)
- Plain or Styrofoam cup
- Mud
Put some mud inside the “nice” cup. Smear some mud on the outside of the plain-looking cup.
Object Lesson
(Hold up both cups and show everyone.)
I have two cups here. One of them is really nice (maybe you can tell them where you got it if it has any significance to you) and the other one is not so nice looking. Which cup would you rather drink out of? This really nice looking cup that looks clean? Or this plain-looking cup that looks like it has something on it? (Wait for a response). Most of us would want to drink out of the nice cup.
(Pour the mud out of the nice cup.)
Would you still like to drink out of this one?
(Show the clean inside of the plan looking cup.)
Now which one looks better to you? Although this nice one looks better on the outside the other one is better on the inside. If we had to drink water from one of these cups we would choose the one that is clean inside.
When Jesus walked the earth there were many people who tried to look good on the outside by doing good things, going to church, dressing nice and following all the right rules. But Jesus knew that their hearts were not clean at all. They were filled with envy and greed. Jesus also saw people who didn’t look as good on the outside, but their hearts were pure before God.
What do you think God prefers? Someone who looks good on the outside, but is dirty on the inside? Or someone who maybe doesn’t look the best or even say all the right things, but is clean inside? Jesus wants us to be clean inside! He says in Matthew 23:25-26 that we should make sure that we clean the inside of the cup and not worry as much about the outside.
It is important for us to make sure that we have a clean heart before God and not worry so much about what we look like on the outside.
God’s Compass

Key Verse
Psalm 119:105
Additional Verses
Isaiah 30:21; Psalm 25:4-5; Psalm 32:8; Proverbs 3:5-6
Materials Needed
- Compass
- Bible
Object Lesson
(Hold up the compass.)
Does anyone know what this is? (Wait for a response.) That’s right it is a compass. Do any of you know how to use it? Many people know that a compass helps you to find the right direction, but most people don’t really know how to use one very well.
The compass has a pointer that has been magnetized and it always points in a certain direction. Do you know what direction that is? North! If you are ever lost in the woods or if you are ever lost when you are on a trip and if you know how to use a compass it will help you because it will always point to the north and you can find every other direction based off of that.
In life many people feel like they are lost. They don’t know which way to go. They feel like they don’t have a purpose or meaning. Many of them wish that they had a compass to help guide them.
(Hold up the Bible.)
This is also a compass. It is the compass for our life. When we read the Scriptures God will give us direction through the Holy Spirit and He will guide us in the best path to take.
In Psalm 119:105 is says that God’s Word is like a lamp to our feet and a light for our path. Do you know what that means? That means that God will help to direct us and guide us. He will help us to know which direction to take. He will help us to avoid the obstacles that come at us in our life. If we ever feel like we are lost in our life the Bible will help us find the right way to go.