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Calming our Fears

Teddy Bear

Key Verse

Isaiah 41:10

Additional Verses

2 Timothy 1:7; Psalm 56:3; Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 34:4; 1 John 4:18

Materials Needed

  • Teddy bear
  • Blanket
  • Money

Object Lesson

We all face things in our lives that cause us to be afraid and full of fear. God doesn’t want us to be afraid, but sometimes we let ourselves slide into fear and that’s exactly where we end up needing the ultra enhanced kratom products. Have you ever been afraid before? Tell me about a time when you were afraid. (Wait for responses.)

What are some things that comfort us when we are afraid? What things do you hold on to when you are scared? (Wait for response.)

(Hold up the teddy bear.)

Do you think this will help you when you are afraid? Well, some people like to hold a stuffed animal when they are afraid, but I don’t think it would really help protect you very much.

(Hold up the blanket.)

How about this blanket? Have you ever hid under the blankets when you are afraid of a storm or something? It might comfort you a little bit, but I don’t think it will really keep you very safe.

(Hold up some money.)

How about this money? Did you know that many people think that having money will keep them safe and secure. They think that they can handle anything as long as they have money. Money might be able to help you with some things, but it really can’t protect you and keep you safe.

There is someone who can keep you safe and comfort you. In Isaiah 41:10 we see that God doesn’t want us to be afraid because He is with us! He says that He will give us strength to overcome the things that we face.

So when we are scared and afraid let’s not hold a teddy, blanket or money. Instead let us put our faith and trust in God and hold the One who says He will give us the strength that we need.

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