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Umbrella of Protection

Key Verse
Psalm 18:30
Additional Verses
Psalm 17:8; Psalm 91:4; Psalm 32:7
Materials Needed
- Umbrella
Object Lesson
(Show everyone the umbrella.)
Does anyone know what this is? That’s right it is an umbrella. Do any of you have an umbrella? What we do use umbrellas for? (Wait for a response.) We use them to keep dry in the rain. More specifically we use them for protection.
An umbrella can protect us from the rain, sleet, snow, or you can even use it on a bright sunny day as protection from the sun. The umbrella covers you when you are in bad weather and it protects you from all kinds of things.
In Psalm 18:30 it says that God is like a strong tower and he protects us and keeps us safe. God is like an umbrella for us. He covers us and keeps us safe. What kinds of things do you think God keeps us safe from? (Wait for responses.) Keeps us safe driving. Keeps us healthy. Keeps us safe from storms. He keeps us safe from all kinds of things!
Whenever we go out in the rain and we need to use and umbrella always remember that God is the one that keeps us safe. We can always run to him and find shelter and safety from whatever things we face in our life. When He is protecting us we do not need to be afraid or scared of anything!
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- object talk on umbrella
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- bible verses for umbrella
- bible verses on umbrella