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Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells

Key Verse

Mark 16:15

Additional Verses

Matthew 28:19-20; 1 Corinthians 9:22; Acts 1:8

Materials Needed

  • Bell. You can use a large bell or Christmas decoration bells. If you want you can get small Christmas bells and tie them to a piece of ribbon to give out to everyone.

Object Lesson

(Shake the bell loudly.)

Don’t you love the sound of a jingling bell? Often times near Christmas we will sing the carol:

Jingle bells
Jingle bells
Jingle all the way!

The sound of jingling bells is a joyful sound and not a sad sound. It is a sound that reminds us that the celebration of Jesus’ birth is near.

What do you think would happen if I took the little metal ball out from the inside of the bell? Or if I hold the bell tightly in my hand? (Hold the bell tightly so that the sound is muffled.)

Does that sound very joyful? No!

We are a lot like this little bell. Jesus wants us to ring out for Him! He wants us to tell the world the Good News about Christmas. The news that the Savior was born in a manger and He came to give us eternal life.

Jesus does not wants us to muffle our bell. (Muffle the sound again.) He wants us to ring loudly from the joy that is inside of us. Just like the bell rings loudly because of what is inside it.

Let us ring loudly for Jesus and tell everyone the Good News about Christmas.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-bells
  • object lesson for toddlers about christmas

The Naughty List

lump of coal

Key Verse

Romans 3:23

Additional Verses

Romans 6:23; John 3:16-17; Romans 5:8

Materials Needed

  • Lump of coal

Object Lesson

As Christmas gets closer and closer many people start talking about Santa Claus. The chubby guy in a red suit that delivers gifts to all the good kids in the world. We go to the malls to sit on his lap and tell him all the wonderful things that we want, then we try to be really good so he will actually bring them. But what happens if we aren’t good? What does Santa supposedly bring to bad children?

(Show the lump of coal.)

He brings a lump of coal! That doesn’t sound very nice does it? I sure wouldn’t want to just get a lump of coal for Christmas. But guess what! I am not a very good person. I have done things that I shouldn’t do. In fact, the Bible says in Romans 3:23 that we have ALL sinned and fallen short of God’s standard.

This means that all of us have been on the “Naughty List.” All that we deserve is a big fat lump of charcoal!

However, this holiday really isn’t about Santa Claus, it is about Jesus! It is His birthday that we celebrate. Santa may only be able to give out lumps of coal to people who aren’t very good, but Jesus does something even better!

In John 3:16-17 it says that God sent his Son Jesus to this world to save people. Jesus already knew that all we deserve is a dirty lump of coal, but He wants to give us something MUCH better than that! He wants to make a trade!

Jesus takes our lump of coal for himself and gives us freedom from sin and eternal life in heaven! That is the greatest gift that anyone could ever get.

So Santa may only give our black coal for people who have done bad things, Jesus gives those people the chance to have eternal life. Let us make sure that we remember Jesus and the wonderful gift that He gave us as we celebrate Christmas this year.

Legend of the Candy Cane

candy cane meaning

Key Verse

Luke 2:8

Additional Verses

Isaiah 1:18; Hebrews 9:22

Materials Needed

  • Candy cane. If you want you can give out candy canes as part of this object lesson.

Object Lesson

(For more Christmas ornament meanings please check out our heartwarming Christmas Story Book)

(Show the candy cane.)

As Christmastime approaches we often will have all kinds of decorations and treats around our homes. One of my favorite things is a candy cane. They taste delicious and you can also hang them on your tree as a decoration.

There is a legend about how the candy cane was made. The story says that a candy maker wanted to make a very special piece of candy to remind the children about Jesus. The red color reminds us of Jesus’s blood that was shed when we died on the cross. But it is twisted with white. The white color reminds us that Christ’s blood will forgive us of all sins and make us clean just like this white color.

The candy is very hard which reminds us that Jesus is the solid rock and that we can depend on him.

(Hold the candy cane with the hook at the top.)

When you hold the candy cane this way it looks like a shepherd’s staff which reminds us of the shepherds who were the first to find out about Jesus’ birth. The angels came to them and send them to find Jesus in the stable.

(Flip the cane over.)

When you look at the cane this way it looks like a letter. Which letter is it? That’s right, a “J.” This J stands for Jesus, the savior of the world who was born in a barn long ago. Jesus is the real reason for the season. He is the one that we celebrate.

It is easy to get distracted at Christmas with thoughts of gifts, food, and decorations, but let us remember Jesus. It is his birthday, and whenever we see a candy cane let us think about him!

Incoming search terms:

  • Biblical Candy Cane Story
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/legend-candy-cane
  • candy cane story
  • story of the candy cane and jesus

Joy to the World

Joy to the World

Key Verse

Isaiah 9:6

Additional Verses

John 3:16; John 1:14; Isaiah 7:14

Materials Needed

  • Piano or keyboard


Joy to the World

This object lesson is based on the C scale on the piano. This scale is very easy to learn and to play. You simply start with a C note (the white key to the immediate left of the 2 black keys) and you play each white key (to the right) until you get to the next C note. It should sound like Do – Re – Mi – Fa – So – La – Ti – Do. Once you feel comfortable playing if forward, try to play it backward starting with the higher C and playing each white key to the right back down the scale. Then you can play the scale backwards once more but try to emphasize the notes so that it sounds like “Joy to the World.”

Object Lesson

Have any of you ever played the piano before or taken piano lessons? I don’t know a lot about the piano but I do know that it can tell us the greatest story in the whole world! Did you know that?

It’s true! All I have to do is play a simple C scale and it will tell us an amazing story. (Play the scale starting from the low C and working up to the high one.) That is a C scale, but I didn’t hear the story yet, did you? Maybe I did not do it quite right, maybe I should try playing the scale backwards. (Play the scale backwards from the high C note to the lower one.)

Did that sound like an amazing story to you? (Wait for a response.) I didn’t hear a very good story yet either! This time I will try to play that C scale backwards and put a few pauses in it. (Play it now so it sounds like “Joy to the World.)”

Did you hear that? What what is? Joy to the world, the Lord has come! That is a great story isn’t it? In fact, that is the greatest story in the world! In Isaiah 9:6 it talks about a child being born that will be our Savior! Do you know who that was talking about? Jesus!

See, hidden in this simple C scale is the most amazing story! The story about Jesus who came to earth thousands of years ago so that He could save us from our sins and offer us Salvation and a new life! Let us always remember that the greatest gift we have ever been given is when God sent His Son Jesus to save us!

Incoming search terms:

  • christmas object lessons

Ten Lepers

ten lepers

Key Verse

Luke 17:11-19

Additional Verses

1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 136:1; James 1:17

Materials Needed

  • Gauze or elastic bandage


Wrap your arm up with the gauze or bandage.

Object Lesson

(Show your arm all wrapped up.)

Leprosy was a very bad skin disease that many people had long ago in the Bible times. It was very contagious so when someone had leprosy they would send them away from the town so that no one else would get infected. Whenever someone would walk by the lepers would yell “unclean” so that everyone knew that they should stay far away.

This was a very lonely life for the lepers because they had to leave their friends and families behind and life in the wilderness. Often the lepers would make friends with each other and start to live together, but they always wanted to go back home.

One day there were ten lepers who were wandering around and saw that Jesus as He was walking towards Jerusalem. They began to shout out to Jesus saying, “Jesus have mercy on us!”

When Jesus saw them he felt bad for them. They had bandages all over their body like this one that is on my arm. Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the high priests. Back in those days the priests would be the people who would decide if the person was healthy enough to be allowed to live in the village or not.

The ten men began to walk to the village to go and see the priest and as they walked back they realized that they were feeling better. (Unwrap your arm as you say the next part.) They unwrapped their bandages and realized that they had been healed! They were all so excited because they knew that meant they could go back home to their families and loved ones. They all began to run with excitement!

However, one of the men stopped running and he turned around and ran back to see Jesus. When he saw Jesus he fell down at His feet and he thanked Him. He was so grateful that Jesus had healed him. Jesus was happy that the man returned to thank Him, but He also wondered where the other men were, and why they didn’t return to say “thanks” as well.

How do you think that made Jesus feel when those nine people who He healed didn’t even bother to come back to say “thank you?” I would be pretty disappointed if I was Jesus. Do you thank Jesus for the things that He does in your life? Are you like that one that came back with a heart of gratitude or are you like the nine that were ungrateful?

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/ten-lepers
  • ten lepers object lesson
  • jesus heals the 10 lepers object lesson

The Trinity

The Trinity Object Lesson

Key Verse

Matthew 28:19

Additional Verses

1 Corinthians 8:6; Matthew 3:16-17; 1 John 5:7-8; John 14:26

Materials Needed

  • Ice cubes
  • Water
  • Boiling water (You can use a hot plate to heat water or preheat water and put it into a Thermos or insulated container.)

Object Lesson

In Matthew 28:19 it talks about the Trinity. Do you know what the Trinity is? (Wait for any responses, but don’t be surprised if you don’t get too many.)

In Scripture we learn that God has three very distinct parts. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These are three very distinct and unique parts of God, but they are all One! That is a confusing thing for many people to understand. How can God be three but also one?

(Show the glass of water.)

This water is going to represent God, specifically God the Father.

(Show everyone the ice cubes.)

Does anyone know what these ice cubes are made out of? (Wait for a response.) That’s right they are made of the same thing that is in this glass, water! Jesus had a physical body and form, just like these cubes have a very distinct shape and size. Jesus took a human body and became one of us. Even though this ice is different from the water, it is also the same.

(Open the Thermos so that you can see steam coming out.)

I have some boiling water here. Do you know what this faint smoke is? (Wait for a response.) This is steam. Steam is incredible powerful! It can power the largest machines in the world trains and huge ships! Do you know what steam is made out of? Water! It is the very same thing as the water and the ice, but it is an entirely different form. The Holy Spirit is like this steam. The Holy Spirit gives us great power in our lives and comforts us when we need it.

So even though the water, the ice and the steam are each unique and distinct they are also all exactly the same. In a similar way God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are unique and distinct but are also one.

Incoming search terms:

  • trinity object lessons for kids

Vine and Branches

Vine and Branches

Key Verse

John 15:5

Additional Verses

Philippians 4:13; Proverbs 11:30; Romans 7:4

Materials Needed

  • Dead flowers

Object Lesson

(Show everyone your bouquet of dead flowers.)

How would you like it if someone you loved gave you this beautiful bouquet for a gift? (Wait for a response.) You don’t think my flowers are beautiful? It must be because they are dead, isn’t it? Why do you think they are dead? (If they kids say because they aren’t in water, let them know that they were in water.) They are dead because they are no longer attached to the plant!

These flowers were once part of a bigger plant that had roots that went down deep into the ground. If these flowers were still attached to that plant it would still be alive! Since it is not attached to the plant it was able to survive for a short period of time in the water, but they soon died.

In John 15:5 it says that Jesus is the vine, or the plant, and we are the branches, kind of like these flowers.

Do the flower get their own nutrients from the soil? No! They get all their nutrients straight from the plant. Just like these flowers cannot grow on their own we cannot grow and produce fruit in our life without being connected to Jesus.

It is very important for these flowers to stay connected to the plant if they want to continue to produce flowers. It is also important for us to stay connected to Jesus if we want to do great things in our life.

Incoming search terms:

  • Vine and Branches Lesson
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/vine-and-branches

What Can Wash Away My Sins?

What can was away my sins

Key Verse

John 3:16

Additional Verses

Romans 3:23; Hebrews 9:22; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 5:8; Luke 13:3; John 3:36

Materials Needed

  • Mirror, piece of glass or polished metal (could even be a TV or anything with a glass surface, but if you use a TV you will need to put a signal through it to make the marker visible)
  • Red dry erase marker
  • Black sharpie permanent marker
  • Spray bottle with water in it
  • Cloth or paper towel


Make sure you try this before you do it live.

Object Lesson

(Hold up the mirror and let the kids look into it.)

What do you see? (Wait for responses.) You can see yourself in it so this mirror is going to represent you. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that, “all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard.” How many of you have ever done anything wrong? The Bible tells us that all of us have sinned, so let’s say you cheated at school.

(Put a mark on the glass or even write the name of the sin in small letters with the black permanent marker).

This permanent marker is going to represent the sins in our lives. Then later on you tell your parents a lie. (Put another mark on the glass).

Perhaps your parents ask you to take out the garbage, but you are very disrespectful and you disobey. (Put another mark on the glass.)

Maybe you start picking on your sister, and calling her names and hurt her feelings. (Put another mark on the glass).

Now this glass doesn’t look very clean anymore. Maybe you feel really bad about the things that you have done, so you try to do something nice to make up for it, maybe you offer to set the table. (Spray some water on the screen and try to rub the marker off).

You still feel bad though, because there is nothing that we can do to take away the sins in our lives. (Add a few more marks).

They keep adding up the more wrong things that we do. There is a way to remove the sin in our life though. It is by receiving the free gift of forgiveness that Jesus offers to all of us. Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood so that we can be forgiven. It says in Hebrews 9:22 that without the shedding of blood there can’t be forgiveness of sin. (Start drawing with the red dry erase marker all over the black ink, make sure to cover it all completely or you the permanent marker won’t come off.)

What was once impossible for us to do, Jesus can do with His blood. (Take the rag and wipe off all the ink.)

If you feel like your life is filled with all kinds of bad things like this mirror was, you need Jesus to clean you with His blood. You need to receive His free gift of eternal life, because only Jesus can remove the sin in our life.

Incoming search terms:

  • wash away sin object lesson
  • what can wash away my sin object lesson
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/what-can-wash-away-sins

Gone Fishing for Men

Key Verse

Mark 1:16-18

Materials Needed

  • fishing equipment: rod, tackle box, bait, net, etc

Object Lesson

(Hold up the fishing gear)

Have you ever been fishing before?  Did you catch anything? (Let the kids answer).
Long ago Jesus was walking along a beach and saw Simon and his brother Andrew fishing.  Jesus looked at them at told them to come and follow him and He would make them fishers of men.
That must have sounded so strange to them! How would you fish for men? Would you put a worm on a hook and dangle it in front of them and hope they bite it? Maybe people wouldn’t like worms, so maybe you should use a pizza instead??
I don’t think Jesus was talking about catching them with a hook or net though.  What Jesus was saying is that we should be looking to share our faith with others and introduce them to Christ.  How do we do that though?
It is a lot like fishing.  When you fish you need some kind of bait (hold up a lure or bait) and it takes a lot of wisdom.  Proverbs 11:30 says that the person that wins souls is wise.
Jesus would heal people and feed them and that was kind of like the bait that would bring them to hear what he had to say to them.  Ultimately His goal was not to just heal their body but to make them right with God, and Jesus wants us to go and do the same.

Incoming search terms:

  • fishers of men object lesson
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/gone-fishing-for-men

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Wise and Foolish builders

Key Verse

Matthew 7:24-27

Materials Needed

  • Building blocks
  • Brick
  • Sand bucket full of wet sand
  • Trays
  • Water pitcher full of water


Fill the bucket with wet sand so that when you flip the bucket upside-down and remove it, the sand will retain its shape.  Put this sand onto a tray and put the brick on a tray.

Object Lesson

In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus tells a story about two people who were going to build some houses.  There was a wise builder and a foolish builder.

(Have a couple helpers come up and help build some houses).

In verse 24 Jesus says “Anyone who listens to his teaching and obeys it is wise Like a person who builds his house on solid rock.”

(Have one person start building a block house on the rock and one person start building a block house on the sand)

Verse 26 says “Anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish like a person who builds his house on sand.”

Jesus is saying that we need to build our lives on the solid foundation of God’s Word.  We need to not only listen to it but do what it says.

The verse tells us that once the houses are built a storm comes. A lot of times in life storms will come and try to knock us down.

(Pour the water on both houses. The one on the rock should stand and the other one should collapse.)

We need to listen to God’s Word and also do what it says. Doing this is building out lives on the firm foundation of God’s Word.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/the-wise-and-foolish-builders
  • wise and foolish builders lesson