God’s Gift of Grace

Key Verse
Ephesians 2:8-9
Additional Verses
John 3:16; 2 Timothy 1:9; Romans 6:23
Materials Needed
- Dollar Bill
Object Lesson
(Hold up the dollar bill)
Have you ever seen one of these before? Of course you have! It is a dollar bill. Tell me some ways that you can get one of these dollar bills?
(Let the kids respond. If they don’t know you can coach them with earn it, steal it, borrow it, have one given to you, and etc.)
There are many ways that you can get this dollar bill. But let me ask you, who does this dollar bill belong to? That’s right it belongs to me. And what can I do with this dollar bill? Anything I want to! I need a helper to assist me. (Choose a kid to help you.)
Does this dollar bill belong to you? (No) Who does it belong to? (You) Would you like to have it? (Yes) Here! It is yours, you don’t even have to do anything for it! It is a gift!
God’s grace is a lot like that dollar bill. It is something that has great value. But there is nothing that you can do to earn God’s grace, favor and forgiveness. In fact, Ephesians 2:8-9 says that it is a gift from God. If we were able to work for it we could brag about it, but God just wants to give it to us for free!
Grace is simply getting something nice that we don’t deserve. My helper didn’t deserve that dollar bill, but I gave it to him/her anyway. Even though we don’t deserve God’s grace he offers it to use freely.
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