Diamond in the Rough

Key Verse
John 7:24
Additional Verses
1 Samuel 16:7; Luke 16:15; Proverbs 31:30
Materials Needed
- Geode
- Sock
- Hammer
Object Lesson
(Hold up a geode) Do you guys like my rock? Isn’t it so beautiful? I would like to take this big gray rock and maybe make a chain for it and hang it around my neck. Oh, you don’t think that would look good? You’re right, it would probably be too heavy.
I think instead I’ll take this beautiful gray rock and make a big ring out of it. You guys don’t think this is a very pretty rock do you? Well, I do think it’s a really pretty rock and I am going to show you why. (Take the geode, place it in the sock and whack it with the hammer until it cracks open. Hold up the geode piece so that the kids can see the pretty crystals that are inside).
You see, I thought this was a pretty rock all along because I knew what was inside of it. You didn’t like this rock very much a minute ago because you could only see the outside. This rock reminds me a lot of you and me. We might not look like much on the outside and maybe some of us aren’t even so great on the inside either – yet. But God sees us for the person that he created us to be.
You know, Jesus spent a lot of his time hanging around with sinners and with very unlovable people. He also spent his time with regular people like fisherman who didn’t seem to be very special at all. He touched the people who looked terrible because they were covered with leprosy. Jesus came to seek and save the ones who were lost so that he could give them eternal life. Jesus sees us for who we are and for who we can be and He can make us into something beautiful when we start to follow Him and spend time with Him.
These are good, thank you!