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Vine and Branches

Key Verse
John 15:5
Additional Verses
Philippians 4:13; Proverbs 11:30; Romans 7:4
Materials Needed
- Dead flowers
Object Lesson
(Show everyone your bouquet of dead flowers.)
How would you like it if someone you loved gave you this beautiful bouquet for a gift? (Wait for a response.) You don’t think my flowers are beautiful? It must be because they are dead, isn’t it? Why do you think they are dead? (If they kids say because they aren’t in water, let them know that they were in water.) They are dead because they are no longer attached to the plant!
These flowers were once part of a bigger plant that had roots that went down deep into the ground. If these flowers were still attached to that plant it would still be alive! Since it is not attached to the plant it was able to survive for a short period of time in the water, but they soon died.
In John 15:5 it says that Jesus is the vine, or the plant, and we are the branches, kind of like these flowers.
Do the flower get their own nutrients from the soil? No! They get all their nutrients straight from the plant. Just like these flowers cannot grow on their own we cannot grow and produce fruit in our life without being connected to Jesus.
It is very important for these flowers to stay connected to the plant if they want to continue to produce flowers. It is also important for us to stay connected to Jesus if we want to do great things in our life.
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- Vine and Branches Lesson
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/vine-and-branches