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Conversations With God

Key Verse

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Additional Verses

Romans 5:8; Philippians 4:6

Materials Needed

  • Bag of Conversation Hearts
  • Individual-size boxes or bags of conversation hearts to give out as a takeaway (Optional)


Open the bag a little so you can get some candy out.

Object Lesson

So we have a holiday coming up soon.  Does anyone know what it is?  That’s right, it’s Valentine’s Day!  Valentine’s Day is a fun holiday because we get to tell our friends and family how much we care about them.  We can write out Valentines with special messages or we can give people candy.  You guys don’t like candy, do you?  I love Valentine candy and one of my favorite Valentine candies are CONVERSATION HEARTS.

In fact, I brought some with me today (hold up the bag of conversation hearts).  These are really fun to give to friends or someone that we love to let them know how much we care about them.  And some of the things they say are so silly.  I’m going to take some of these out and read what they say (Start taking some out and reading the ones you think are silly).  

Examples: UR Cute, DM Me (Direct Message Me), Rock Star, Kiss Me, GOAT (Greatest of All Time)

Did you know that God wants to have a continual conversation with you?  God loves you so much that He even sent Jesus to die for you. God wants to have a friendship with you and he wants you to talk to him like you would to a friend. (Romans 5:8)

The Bible says we should pray without stopping (1 Thessalonians 5:17), which means we can have a conversation with God all day.

So what can we have a conversation with God about?  Anything!  You can talk to God about something you’re afraid of.  Maybe you’re having a problem with a friend or a family member, and you can talk to God about that.  Maybe you know someone who is sick and needs God’s help, you can ask Him to help that person. (Include any other examples that may be relevant to your group).

The Bible tells us not to worry about anything, but to pray about everything, tell God what you need and thank Him for all he has done (Philippians 4:6).  So we can also thank God and praise him throughout the day as part of our conversation with Him.  If you were making a bag of conversation hearts for God, what would you write on them to thank Him and praise Him?  (Give some answers to get started and then allow the class to give some):

Examples: Luv U, UR Good, U Help Me, U Rock, Thank U, U Care

Now in a conversation, there’s always more than one person talking, right? So we can talk to God, but He also wants to talk to us.  How does God talk to us? (Allow the kids to answer if they want). Sometimes if we are quiet and listen to God, He will speak to our hearts and give us guidance by His Holy Spirit.  

One of the biggest ways God talks to us is through the Bible.   By reading the Bible we can hear God’s instructions for us and we can learn about how much He loves us. 

So this Valentine’s Day, if you are snacking on some conversation hearts, let it remind you to have a continual conversation with God as you go about your day.  Talk to God and listen to what He is saying to you.  

Charged Up

RC Cars

Key Verse

John 4:34

Additional Verses

John 6:38; John 17:4; John 5:30

Materials Needed

  • A remote control car or train
  • Dead batteries
  • New batteries
  • Screwdriver (if needed) to put the batteries in


Begin this lesson with the dead batteries inside the car, but keep the new batteries out of sight.

Object Lesson

Do you guys like remote control cars? (Allow for response).

Me too! It is so much fun to ride them around the yard, through mud puddles and over anthills. Or in the house you can, chase your mom around with them. Who wants to come up here and demonstrate how to drive this car? Now, I need someone who really knows what they are doing. (Choose a student and give them the controller and tell them to drive it. Since the car has dead batteries it obviously won’t work).

What’s the matter? I thought you said you knew how to drive one of these things! Try it again. Does anyone know why this car won’t work? (Allow suggestions).

Ok, some of you think that it might be the batteries, well let’s take a look. (Open the battery cover and show the class that it has batteries).

This car has batteries! But come to think of it, these batteries have been in this car for a long time. Let me see if I have some new ones. (Get the new batteries and put them in the car).

Ok, now why don’t you try to drive this thing? (Allow the student to drive it).

Wow, it’s working! (Have the student take a seat). In John 4:34 (NIV) Jesus tells us My food, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” In this verse, Jesus is not talking about pizza or ice cream or even vegetables. He is talking about spiritual food. He is telling us here, that we need to give nourishment to our souls.

How do you feed your soul? (Allow for answers: reading God’s Word, spending time with God, doing God’s work).

Yeah, our souls are fed when we read the Bible and spend time with God and by telling other people about God and sharing our faith. It’s like our remote control car here. It couldn’t work because it had dead batteries, but when it received the fresh batteries it was able to do anything. Our souls are like that too. We need to keep our souls charged up. We can also keep our souls charged up by doing God’s work which is to point others to Him and to serve others.

All Things Are Possible

All Things are Possible

Key Verse

Matthew 19:26

Additional Verses

Luke 18:27; Luke 1:37; Jeremiah 32:27; Mark 10:27; Philippians 4:13

Materials Needed

  • Rubik’s Cube or similar puzzle


This object lessons uses a very common 3×3 puzzle cube often known as a Rubik’s Cube. The easiest way to do this object lesson is just to show the puzzle and demonstrate how difficult it is. However, if you have time and determination you can actually learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube and finish the object lesson with that.

Object Lesson

(Show the Rubik’s Cube.)

Have you ever seen one of these before? It’s called a Rubik’s Cube! It’s basically a puzzle where you try to rotate the pieces so that you end up with each side having only one color on it. It is very difficult to do and many people used to think that it was impossible to solve.

(Demonstrate trying to solve it.)

It seems like the more you twist and turn the pieces the more messed up it gets. You might get ones side fixed, but when you try to solve the next side everything gets messed up again.

In life we often face difficult situations that seem like they are impossible. It can seem like the more we try to fix things and make them better the more messed up it gets. It can be very frustrating and at times we just feel like giving up!

The Bible says in Matthew 19:26 that with God ALL things are possible! It also says in Philippians 4:13 that we can do ALL things with Christ’s help. So we may face all kinds of difficulties and problems, but instead of just trying to fix them ourselves we should pray and ask God for help.

God can and will help us in those situation and He can take even the most impossible situation and work it out.

(If you have a good story about a situation in your life that seemed impossible and God worked it out, here would be a good spot to tell it.)

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/all-things-are-possible
  • bible object lesson rubix cube

Stay Charged Up

Strength Object Lesson

Key Verse

Ephesians 6:10

Additional Verses

Psalms 118:14; Colossians 3:16; Proverbs 4:20-22; John 15:7; Philippians 4:6; Hebrews 10:25

Materials Needed

  • Dead rechargeable batteries
  • Flashlight or something to show that the batteries don’t work
  • Battery recharger

Object Lesson

(Show the flashlight or whatever you have.)

Does anyone here know what this is? (Wait for responses.) That’s right it is a flashlight! Do you know what it is used for? (Allow a response.) That’s right it helps you to see when it is dark. (Switch the light on, but it shouldn’t come on or it should be very dim.) Uh oh! Something isn’t right here! Does anyone know why this flashlight is not working properly? (Wait for a response.) You think the batteries are dead?

(Take out the batteries and read the side.)

This says that these batteries are “rechargeable.” Do you know what that means? That means that once the battery dies you can charge it back up again. (Pull out the battery charger and show it.) Do any of you have anything that takes rechargeable batteries?

I was in such a hurry to show you my flashlight that I forgot to put these batteries on the charger and now these batteries don’t have any power.

In Ephesians 6:10 it says that we should be strong in the Lord’s mighty power! How do we get strong in His power? By staying charged up, just like these batteries. We read his Word, we pray, we go to church and learn about Him. When we do these things our faith and strength grow.

But, if we stop doing these things our charge will slowly drain just like these batteries lost all of their strength. We need to stay strong in God’s power and keep seeking Him with our whole heart. When we do these things He will give us His strength.

Get Taller by Worrying

Change Your Height by Worry

Key Verse

Luke 12:25

Additional Verses

Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:7; Matthew 6:25-34; John 14:27

Materials Needed

  • Tape measure

Object Lesson

Have you ever measured yourself to see how tall you were? How tall are you? (Wait for a few responses.) I need a volunteer to come up here so that I can measure them.

(Bring up a volunteer and measure them and then tell them how tall they are.)

Do you know what worry is? It is when we are really concerned about something until we cannot think about anything else and we are afraid that something bad will happen. I want you to worry really hard about not being tall enough. I think that will make you grow even taller and we will show everyone how well worry works.

To help you worry I will beat you with wet noodles if you don’t grow taller! If you can’t grow taller I will smear ice cream all over your face! I’m going to make you eat pickles and ice cream if you can’t make yourself grow taller!

How is it going? Do you feel like you are any taller than before? (Wait for response.) Let’s check.

(Measure them again.)

Oh no! It didn’t work! You did a great job at worrying but you weren’t able to make yourself grow any taller! This reminds me of what the Bible says in Luke 12:25.

And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

Jesus was trying to get us to stop worrying. Did you know that when we worry it is because we really aren’t having faith in God and trusting him. Philippians 4:6 tells us to not worry about anything but to pray about everything instead. This is what we do when we are trusting God.

Worry doesn’t change anything, you can’t even grow taller by worrying. Prayer does change things, so let us put our faith in God!

Incoming search terms:

  • object lesson on worry
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/get-taller-worrying

Five Finger Prayer

Bible Lesson on Prayer

Key Verse

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Additional Verses

John 15:7; Philippians 4:6; Mark 11:24; Luke 11:9; Matthew 6:6

Materials Needed

  • Your hand

Object Lesson

Have you ever started praying and then maybe you run out of things to say? Today I will teach you the 5 Finger Prayer which will help you to remember who to pray for. This way whenever you are going to pray you can just look at your hand and it will help you to remember things to pray for.


Everyone hold up your hand. The first finger we will talk about is your thumb. Did you know that your thumb is the strongest finger! It may be short but it is very strong. This finger we will use to remind us of our strong relationships like our family and friends. So the first thing we will pray for is our close friends and our family.

Pointer Finger

The next finger is our pointer finger. What do we use this finger for? We use this finger to point things out to people. When we teach we will often use it to instruct people, so this finger will represent those people that lead and teach us. Maybe for your pastor, a school teacher, a music teacher, karate instructor and anyone who teaches and leads us. We should pray that they lead us and guide us in a way that pleases God.

Middle Finger

The next finger is the middle finger. This is the tallest finger that we have and so it will represent the government, police officers, firemen and anyone is public service. We can pray for safety and wisdom for the leaders of our land. We can pray that God will help them to make decisions that glorify God.

Ring Finger

The next finger on our hand is our ring finger. This happens to be our weakest finger. This finger will remind us to pray for people that are sick, weak, imprisoned or people that are having difficulties and struggles in their life. We can pray for healing and strength for these people.


The pinky is the smallest finger that we have. This finger will represent yourself, because we are supposed to think of others as better than ourselves. You can pray for God’s direction in your life and that he will give you wisdom. You can also bring requests to him and ask for his blessings on his life.

Incoming search terms:

  • five finger prayer lesson plan
  • Five Finger Prayer Lesson
  • christian five finger prayer printable
  • https://t ly/LQJI
  • five finger prayer for adults