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Resurrection Rolls
Main Verse:
Matthew 28:6 NLT He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.
Additional Verses:
John 19:38-42
Materials Needed:
- Crescent roll dough (Enough for each person to have one roll)
- Melted butter
- Cinnamon sugar
- Marshmallows (enough for each person to have one)
- Small paper plates (one for each person)
- Bowls for butter & cinnamon sugar mix
- Oven
- Baking Sheet
- Parchment paper for easy clean up
- Hand wipes
- Table
Line the baking sheet with parchment paper. Have the kids wash their hands before you begin. If you don’t have access to a sink, provide hand wipes. Hand wipes will also be helpful after they have assembled their “tomb” as well as after they eat it, as hands will be sticky. Melt the butter on a stove or in a microwave ahead of time. Depending on the number of children, you may want to have a few bowls of butter and a few bowls of cinnamon sugar so everyone can work at the same time.
Object Lesson:
Happy Easter! What do we celebrate at Easter time? Do we celebrate the Easter Bunny? Is he the reason that we have Easter? No. We celebrate Easter because Jesus died on the cross for our sins. When Jesus died, His friends were very sad because they loved Him so much. They did not expect to see Him again. Some of Jesus’ followers wanted to honor Jesus so they took His body and prepared it to be buried. They took spices and perfume and they put it over His body and they wrapped Him up in fabric. Then they laid Him in a tomb that was made out of rock. But He didn’t stay dead for long! Does anyone know how long Jesus was dead for? That’s right he was dead for three days. But on Sunday morning, a miracle happened. Jesus’ friends went to the tomb and found that He was not there. He had risen from the dead.
We are going to make a sweet treat to remind us that Jesus is alive. (Give everyone a crescent roll on their plate.) This is a piece of dough that will represent the tomb where Jesus was buried. (Give everyone a marshmallow). We are going to pretend this marshmallow is Jesus’ body and we are going to get it ready to be buried. Let’s roll it in the butter and then in the cinnamon sugar. This is like the spices that they put on Jesus’ body. Now let’s put his body in the tomb (help the children roll them up snugly into a ball. Press all of the seams tightly so they don’t explode too much).
Bake the rolls according to the package instructions.
(Hand out the baked rolls). Let’s break them open and see if Jesus is still in there. (Break one open). He is not here. He is risen.
Proud Peeps

Main Verse:
Matthew 21:5-5 (NLT) “Tell the people of Jerusalem, ‘Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey– riding on a donkey’s colt.’”
Proverbs 16:18-18 (NLT) Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.
Additional Scriptures:
Philippians 2:3-8
- Microwave Oven that can be set up in the room so everyone can see it.
- Table
- Marshmallow Peeps (alternatively you can use a regular marshmallow and teach this lesson any time of year.)
- Plate
All microwaves vary, so practice ahead of time by microwaving a Peep to determine how long to leave it in. I recommend starting with 30 seconds.
Object Lesson:
Who can tell me what it means to be proud? (Allow for answers). Yeah, it means that someone is bragging about themselves. They might talk about how they are the best basketball player on the team or the best dancer in their class or brag that they are the smartest one in the class. They might say these things about themselves even if it isn’t 100% true. They sort of puff themselves up a bit to make themselves feel like they are better than everyone else.
What is the opposite of being proud? That’s right, it’s being humble. Jesus was the best example of a humble person. He didn’t act like He was better than everyone else. In fact, there was a prophecy about Jesus which said Matthew 21:5-5 (NLT) “Tell the people of Jerusalem, ‘Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey– riding on a donkey’s colt.’” Today on Palm Sunday, we celebrate when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people wanted Him to be their king. But they didn’t realize that Jesus wasn’t your average king.
Now, most kings were very proud. What kinds of things do kings usually have? (Allow for answers: jewels, money, throne, robe, castle, carriage, etc). They would be proud of all of their money and their fancy clothes and their carriages and big houses as well as their power. But Jesus didn’t have any of that. Do you think Jesus could have had all of that stuff if he wanted to? (Allow for answers). Absolutely! But He didn’t come to be an earthly king, he came to save us from our sins. The Bible says in Phillippians 2:5-8 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Even though Jesus was God, he gave up his privileges as God and became a human being. He took a humble position as a slave. He obeyed God by dying on the cross for our sins.
(Put the Peep on the plate and put it into the microwave). Let’s pretend this Peep is a proud person. (Turn the microwave on for 30 seconds). They brag and brag and make themselves sound better than everyone else. (Open the microwave to show the Peep that is all puffed up. The Peep will start to deflate). Uh-oh! What’s happening to this Peep? He’s going down. He was too proud and you know what happened, he fell down. The Bible tells us to watch out because pride comes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall. That means that when we are proud we are not following the example of Jesus and things can go wrong in our lives! There can be a consequence. If we are too proud, God might have to teach us a lesson so that we can learn to be humble. God wants us to care more about others than ourselves, the way that Jesus did.
One Way

Key Verse
John 14:6
Additional Verses
Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 22:16
Materials Needed
- One Way Sign
Object Lesson
Have you ever been driving down the road with your mom or dad and you see a sign that looks like this (hold the sign up). What does this sign say? One Way!
What does that mean? It means that you can only drive in one direction on that road, right? You cannot have cars driving one way and cars driving the other way, right? If you happen to be going the wrong way on that road, then you are in big trouble because you might crash or it might be a one lane road and your car might not fit next to another car that’s going the other way.
It might be a big mess and a dangerous situation too. Well, the Bible tells us that Jesus is the only way to God.
In John 14:6, Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Some people believe that there are many ways to God. Some think that if they do a lot of good things in their life and if they are mostly a nice person, then they will get to go to Heaven. But they are wrong and they are going the wrong way!
Some people believe that if they trust in Buddha or Muhammad or another god that they will get into Heaven, but they are wrong. Jesus is the Son of God and he proved that in many ways which we talked about today. Jesus is the one that we can trust to tell the truth and he said that He is the One Way to the Father God.
Incoming search terms:
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/one-way
Jesus is our Life Saver

Key Verse
Romans 10:9
Additional Verses
Acts 16:31; Ephesians 2:8-9; John 3:16; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38
Materials Needed
- Package of Life Savers candy.
Object Lesson
Imagine that you are out on a sailboat in the middle of the ocean. Everything is calm and beautiful and then you see some dark clouds out on the horizon rolling in. They are getting closer and closer and you see the flashes of lightning and hear the clap of the thunder. Before you know it, the boat is getting tossed and thrown by the violent waves. As you are making your way across the deck a huge wave hits the boat and carries you overboard into the cold ocean water below.
As you struggle in the water, you realize that you need help. What do you think could help you? (Wait for responses).
Maybe a life saver? I just happened to bring some with me!
(Take out the roll of life savers and show everyone.)
I heard that these can save you if you ever fall over board but I am not really sure how well they would work. Do you think these would work very well?
Well, I guess these life savers won’t work to save you from drowning in the ocean but they might save you from having bad breath! (If you want to you can hand out a life saver to everyone).
The Bible says that we all have sin in our life and that sin will result in death. We need to be saved. Now one of these life savers won’t help us very much but we have Someone who can save us from the sin that tries to drown our lives. His name is Jesus Christ.
The way we are saved from sin is by doing what it says in Romans 10:9. It says that we have to say that Jesus is Lord and believe that in our heart. That’s it. It isn’t very complicated at all. Jesus is our life saver and the only one that can save us from sin and death.
Incoming search terms:
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/jesus-is-our-life-saver
- lifesaver bible verse
Stars and Stripes

Key Verse
Galatians 5:1
Additional Verses
1 Corinthians 7:23; Galatians 5:13; John 3:16
Materials Needed
- American Flag
Object Lesson
(Show the American Flag).
Do any of you know what this is? Yes! This is the flag of the United States of America. This flag reminds us of the freedom citizens of America enjoy but it also helps me to remember what Jesus did for me.
On June 14, 1777 the founding fathers of America decided that the flag should have stripes with red, white and blue. When I look at these things is reminds me of Jesus.
The stars that are on the flag reminds me of the very first verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. It says that in the very Beginning God created everything. Even the stars. Can you imagine how big and powerful God must be to be able to create the stars!
The stripes and the red color remind me about the stripes from the whip that Jesus had on his back. He bled and died for me. He wanted to take my sin upon him and he gives me forgiveness. He was beaten and whipped so that I could have healing.
The white stripes remind me that once Jesus died and rose again he cleaned my heart. The Bible says in Psalm 51:7 that God will clean us and make us whiter than snow.
The last color of the flag is the Blue. Blue is a very royal color that kings and queens wear. This reminds me that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and He rules everything from His throne is Heaven.
When we see the flag let is remind us of the great country that we live in, but also let it remind us of the sacrifice that Jesus made and the love that He has for us.
Incoming search terms:
- lessons on healing from the bible
He Took Away Our Sin

Key Verse
1 Peter 2:24
Additional Verses
2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:4-6; Hebrews 9:28; Matthew 8:17; Galatians 3:13
Materials Needed
- Large shirt that you don’t mind ruining. A button up shirt will probably work the best as it is easiest to put on and off.
- Black washable marker (In case it should bleed through)
Object Lesson
(Call up a volunteer and have them put the large shirt on.)
Here is my friend and just like you they have sinned against God at times. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that we have all sinned, so let us think of some different sins that this person may have committed. (You can ask for sins if you want, or you can just write down the ones that you want to.)
Stealing. Maybe this person was at a store and really wanted a pack of candy and instead of paying for it they just snuck it into their pocket. That is a sin, and we will write it down. (White “stealing” on the shirt in permanent marker.)
Maybe this person told a lie also, so let’s write that down as well. (Write “lying” somewhere else on the shirt.
Perhaps they were taking a test and they decided to cheat, do you think that would please God? No! Let’s write down “cheating” as well.
Maybe they were playing ball with some friends and they all started bullying someone else who wasn’t playing the game as well. Let’s write down “bullying” too.
(Feel free to write down as many as you want to.)
Wow! Look at this person! They are covered in sin, aren’t they? Do you think that they can wipe all these sins off?
(Instruct the helper to try to wipe all the sins off of the shirt.)
They may scrub and wipe and struggle, but there is nothing that they can do to remove these sins that we have written down. There is no way to make themselves clean again.
(Have another volunteer come out and play Jesus, or you can play it.)
What Jesus did when he went and died on Calvary was he took the sins away from us. God could not be near sin and since we were covered with sin God could not be near us. So Jesus took our sins and put them on himself.
(Have the helper remove the shirt. Have “Jesus” put it on himself, or put it on yourself.)
Then when God saw Jesus all he could see was the sin. Jesus died on the cross wearing all of our sin on his back. When Jesus died sin and death could not hold him any longer. (Take the shirt off and throw it far from you.) Jesus came back alive and left the sin in the grave. He is now alive and offers us freedom from the sin that once held us captive.
Incoming search terms:
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/took-away-sin
Book of Life

Key Verse
Luke 10:20
Additional Verses
Revelation 13:8; Revelation 20:12; Revelation 20:15; Revelation 3:5; Revelation 21:27
Materials Needed
- Guest Book. Even a plain notebook will do.
Object Lesson
Have you ever been to a really nice restaurant before? When you go to a nice restaurant you don’t just barge in and sit down wherever you want. You usually have to go up to a counter and they ask for your name. Some really nice restaurants even want you to call in a reservation before you come.
(Show the guest book.)
The receptionist will write your name down in the book and let you know when they will seat you. Once they are ready with a table for you they will call you and let you come and sit down and enjoy your delicious meal.
If you just came running in do you think they would give you a table? No! Because you do not have a reservation.
Did you know that Heaven has a reservation list too? It is called the Lamb’s Book of Life. The Bible teaches us that anyone who believes that Jesus is Lord gets their name written in that Book. Once day when we get to Heaven before they let us in they will check to make sure that our name is in the Book of Life.
If your name is in the Book because you gave your life to Jesus then they will let you in. But the Bible says that if your name is not in the list you will be cast out of Heaven and will not be allowed to enter.
If your name in the Book of Life? When we believe that Jesus is Lord and say that with our mouth then God puts our name in the book and makes our reservation for our home in Heaven.
Incoming search terms:
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/book-of-life
Christmas Cookies

Key Verse
2 Corinthians 9:15
Additional Verses
James 1:17; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8
Materials Needed
- Christmas cookies.
Object Lesson
One of my favorite things about the Christmas season is making, and eating, Christmas cookies! Do you like Christmas cookies? What is your favorite kind? (Wait for a response).
I brought some Christmas cookies today that I would like to share with you. (Pass out the cookies).
Many people make Christmas cookies to eat, but they also make them because they make a really nice homemade gift to give to friends and loved ones. Have you ever gotten Christmas cookies as a gift?
Do you know why people give Christmas cookies? Because it is something that is yummy, but also because it is a gift from the heart. When you make something yourself you are not just putting money into it, you are also putting in time, energy and love into it. That’s why people give Christmas cookies. It shows that you care.
God wanted to give us a gift that was from the heart too. He didn’t give us Christmas cookies, but he gave us something that was from his own heart. He gave his son Jesus!
Jesus came to earth and lived a sinless life so that he could save the world from sin. He gives us the free gift of eternal life. This is a gift that is straight from God’s heart. It is way better than just simply giving Christmas cookies, because Jesus gave his life for us. He loves us so much that he came to this earth, and ultimately died so that we could be free from sin.
As we give gifts from our heart this Christmas let us also remember the greatest gift that God gave when he sent his one and only Son to this earth to save us.
Incoming search terms:
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-cookies
- bible lesson about winter
Christmas Tree Meaning

Key Verse
1 John 4:19
Additional Verses
Matthew 14:31; John 3:16; Romans 5:8
Materials Needed
- A Christmas tree. You can use a full-sized one or just a small one.
Object Lesson
(For more Christmas ornament meanings please check out our heartwarming Christmas story book “The Jesus Tree“)
Many of us will put up a Christmas Tree in our homes and decorate it for the holidays using different christmas lights that can even be purchase online. Some people use an artificial tree and some people will cut down a living tree to use. I always prefer a real tree because it reminds me that Jesus is alive and powerful.
As we look into the tree we see the trunk in the middle and branches that are extending out from it. When I see the branches of a Christmas Tree it reminds me that Jesus is reaching His arms out to us. He loves us so much that he came to the earth so that he could give us eternal life in Heaven.
The tree also reminds me about the cross that he was crucified on. It was made out of the wood of a tree. As Jesus hung on the cross his arms were still spread out wide. Open to us.
In 1 John 4:19 it says that we love Jesus because he first loved us.
Jesus loves us and offers us the free gift of eternal life. As you see your Christmas Tree this season let it remind you of Jesus and that he loves you so very much!
Incoming search terms:
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-tree-meaning