body of Christ

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Body of Christ

Body of Christ

Key Verse

1 Corinthians 12:21-26

Additional Verses

Romans 12:4-5; Philippians 2:2; 1 Peter 3:8; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Colossians 3:14

Materials Needed

  • Rainbow Loom style bracelet. These are bracelets that are made by connecting very small rubber bands together in creative patterns.

Object Lesson

(Show the bracelet.)

Do any of you have a bracelet or necklace like this? Have you ever made one before? Do you know what the cool think about these bracelets is? That they are made from dozens of little rubber bands.

(Point to one of the bands in the middle.)

Do you know what would happen if I cut this band here in the middle? (Wait for a response.) That’s right, the whole thing would come all apart. This bracelet is made up of a bunch of small little bands so you would think that some bands might be less important. In reality, all of the bands are important and if just one of them breaks then the whole band comes apart.

The Body of Christ is very much like this. In 1 Corinthians 12:21-26 it talks about how each and every person plays a very important part in the Body of Christ. One part can’t say that it is any more important than another. We are all important to God.

When we are all working together, like this bracelet, then we are in unity. That means that we are working together to do God’s will! God doesn’t want us always fighting with each other. He wants us to work together, because when we are in unity we can accomplish so much more than we can alone.

Incoming search terms:

  • bible lesson on teamwork
  • body of christ object lesson
  • bible lessons on unity in the body of christ children

Love One Another

love one another

Key Verse

1 John 4:7-8

Additional Verses

John 17:21-23; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; 1 Peter 3:8

Materials Needed

  • Bike wheel

Object Lesson

(Hold up the bike wheel.)

Does anyone know what this is? (Allow the kids to respond.) That’s right it is a bike wheel. And does anyone know what these are called? (Point to the spokes.) These are the spokes. The spokes job is to hold the wheel together. Here near the rim you see that the spokes are pretty wide apart, but they get closer together as they get closer to the hub.

Let’s pretend that each of you are a spoke on this wheel. What do you think we could pretend the hub is? (Wait for a response.) Let’s make-believe that this hub is God.

Do you know what the interesting thing is? The closer you get to God the closer you get to each other! You may say that you want to get closer to God but you don’t want to get closer to others. Well, it doesn’t work that way!

In 1 John 4:7-8 is says that if you love others then you love God but if you don’t love others you don’t love God. So the more that you love God the more you will also love one another by caring for those that are around you.

Incoming search terms:

  • object lesson on love
  • Love One Another Bible Lesson
  • love one another object lesson
  • object lessons on love
  • object lesson love
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/love-one-another

We Need Each Other

Teamwork Object Lesson

Key Verse

Ecclesiastes 4:9

Additional Verses

Proverbs 27:17; 1 Corinthians 12:20-25; Philippians 2:1-2;

Materials Needed

  • Honey
  • Toothpicks or Popsicle sticks if you want to let people taste the honey

Object Lesson

(Hold up the jar of honey.)

Does anyone know what this is? Would anyone like to have a taste? (Offer small samples of the honey.)

Did you know that bees have to visit over 2 million flowers in order to make one pound of honey?

Honey that is stored in an airtight container will never go bad! Did you know that they found honey in sealed containers in King Tut’s tomb and it was still edible even though it was over 2,000 years old?

Bees have to fly about 55,000 miles in order to make one pound of honey.

But most important is that it takes about 560 bees to make 1 pound of honey. How do you think it would work if one bee decided to fly off on his own and make honey all by himself? Do you think that would be a good idea? Of course not! He would only ever be able to produce a few drops on his own.

In Ecclesiastes 4:9 it says that two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one. That means that we are more effective when we work together as a team. The Body of Christ is supposed to be like a beehive or a team. We are all supposed to work together to accomplish the Great Commission of spreading the Good News about Jesus.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/we-need-each-other
  • teamwork object lesson
  • bible stories about teamwork
  • object lesson on teamwork
  • Biblical Teamwork Lesson
  • bible lesson about God\s people working together
  • kids bible object lesson on team building
  • object lessons using bees

Many Parts, One Potato

Potato Head Object Lesson

Key Verse

Romans 12:4-5

Additional Verses

1 Corinthians 12:12; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Materials Needed

  • Mr. Potato Head Toy

Object Lesson

Have you guys ever played with a Mr. or Mrs. Potato head.  (Show the toy).

Let’s see how silly we can make him look (start putting the parts of Mr. potato Head in the wrong place).  How does he look now?  (Allow for laughter and let the kids make suggestions as to how to make him look goofy).

Well,that was a lot of fun, but I don’t think that a real body would work very well if it was put together this way. Did you know the Bible calls us Christians “The Body of Christ”?  That means that all of us are supposed to work together to do the work of Jesus.

The Bible tells us in Romans 12:4-5 that there are many different parts of the body of Christ and each of us has an important job to do.  Some of you may become pastors one day, others of you may pray for people and they will be healed.  Some of you are great encourages while others of you may be prophets.  God has also given each of you talents such as music, sports, art, etc.  All of these gifts and talents can help you bring others to Christ.

Now let’s look at Mr. Potato  Head again.  Is there any part he has that is not important or doesn’t help him in some way?  No!  He needs his ears to hear, his mouth to eat and talk.  He even needs his hat to protect his face from getting sunburned and rained on.

It’s he same way with us, the Body of Christ.  We might not all be pastors or we might not all have beautiful singing voices, but we all belong to Christ’s body and we each have important work to do.

In the same way that the Body of Christ encompasses a diverse array of individuals with distinct gifts and purposes, the quest for the ideal home encompasses a range of desires and requirements. Some may seek spacious kitchens to nurture fellowship and hospitality, while others may prioritize peaceful gardens for moments of prayerful contemplation.

Just as every part of Mr. Potato Head serves a purpose, every feature of a home contributes to its function and symbolism within a Christian household. From the cozy warmth of a fireplace to the welcoming embrace of a front porch, each element plays a vital role in creating a space where faith can flourish and community can thrive.

As we navigate the journey of finding our place within the Body of Christ, so too do we embark on the quest to find our dwelling within the earthly realm. Just as we seek guidance from scripture and prayer in discerning our spiritual gifts and callings, we can also seek divine wisdom and providence in selecting the home that aligns with our values and aspirations. For those seeking guidance in their search for a home that reflects their faith and values, see this page for resources and insights tailored to help you find a sanctuary where you can live out your Christian calling and purpose.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/many-parts-one-potato