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The Black Spot

Key Verse
Philippians 4:8
Additional Verses
Ephesians 5:20; Romans 8:28; 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Materials Needed
- Sheet of paper with black dot in the center. You could make several of these and hand them out if you prefer.
Object Lesson
(Hold up the sheet of paper with the spot on it).
Can anyone see what I have here? (Wait for responses. The kids should say “a dot,” or “a black spot.)” Is that all you can see?
You missed what I really have! I actually have a perfectly good piece of paper here but the only thing that most of us could see was the little tiny black dot.
Often times when we look at our life the only thing we can see is the black dot. The bad things. The negative. And then we focus on them.
We don’t look at the good things that God has done. We don’t count our blessings. We just focus on the bad.
Tell me some things that are good in your life? Some things that you have to be thankful for. (Wait for responses and then write a bunch of the good things on the paper and hold it up.)
See! There is a lot more good than bad here. The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:8 to think about the good and positive things in our lives, not the bad things.
Did you know that God can even make the things that seem bad work out for Good? He says so right in Romans 8:28! He says that he will work everything together for good for the that love Him. Do you love Him?
(Draw a cross over the top of the spot.)
See, even the things that were bad in our live God works out for good!
The next time you are tempted to complain, instead try to look at the good things that are going on. And you want to watch God work in an amazing way!
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- black dot Bible lesson
- what was the black spot in the bible for
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/black-spot