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Key Verse

James 4:17

Additional Verses

1 John 3:4; 1 John 1:8; Psalm 119:11

Materials Needed

  • Fence. You can use a piece of a fence or if you are unable to get that you could simply use a photo or drawing.

Object Lesson

(Show the piece of the fence.)

Do you know what this is? This is a piece of a fence. Do you know what fences are used for? (Allow for some answers.) They are used for boundaries and protection. They help keep thing good things in and bad things out. If you have some pets that you don’t want to run away you will often put up a fence so that they don’t escape.

Fences are important to have in our lives too. Not a real fence like you would put up around your house. But these fences are the boundaries that we put in our lives to keep us safe.

The Bible tells us in James 4:17 that if someone knows something to be sin and then goes and does that they will be sinning. When we read God’s word we learn the things that please God and the things that make God unhappy. We need to make boundaries in our lives that help us to stay away from those things.

If we are always tempted to steal something then you should make a boundary for yourself to not go into a store alone or you could make sure that you are with someone who will help you. Or maybe you are tempted to tell a lie to someone but if you have fences in your life then you will know that telling a lie would not please God.

Some people think that fences and rules are bad but they are there for your protection.

Incoming search terms:

  • Christian Lessons on Boundaries
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/boundaries