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Stars and Stripes

stars and stripes

Key Verse

Galatians 5:1

Additional Verses

1 Corinthians 7:23; Galatians 5:13; John 3:16

Materials Needed

  • American Flag

Object Lesson

(Show the American Flag).

Do any of you know what this is? Yes! This is the flag of the United States of America. This flag reminds us of the freedom citizens of America enjoy but it also helps me to remember what Jesus did for me.

On June 14, 1777 the founding fathers of America decided that the flag should have stripes with red, white and blue. When I look at these things is reminds me of Jesus.

The stars that are on the flag reminds me of the very first verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. It says that in the very Beginning God created everything. Even the stars. Can you imagine how big and powerful God must be to be able to create the stars!

The stripes and the red color remind me about the stripes from the whip that Jesus had on his back. He bled and died for me. He wanted to take my sin upon him and he gives me forgiveness. He was beaten and whipped so that I could have healing.

The white stripes remind me that once Jesus died and rose again he cleaned my heart. The Bible says in Psalm 51:7 that God will clean us and make us whiter than snow.

The last color of the flag is the Blue. Blue is a very royal color that kings and queens wear. This reminds me that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and He rules everything from His throne is Heaven.

When we see the flag let is remind us of the great country that we live in, but also let it remind us of the sacrifice that Jesus made and the love that He has for us.

Incoming search terms:

  • lessons on healing from the bible

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Key Verse

Deuteronomy 6:12

Additional Verses

1 Corinthians 7:23; Galatians 5:1; Galatians 5:13

Materials Needed

  • American Flag

Object Lesson

Do you of you know what holiday we are celebrating this weekend? (Wait for responses.) That’s right we are celebrating Memorial Day. Do you know what memorial means? It means that we are supposed to remember something. But I can’t seem to remember, what we are supposed to remember.

(Take out the American Flag).

Maybe this will help me to remember. This is the flag of the United States of America, and it does help me to remember. On Memorial Day we remember the soldiers who fought and died so that we can live in a free country. Many of them sacrificed their lives so that we could gather together and worship Christ without being afraid of being punished.

There are many countries around the world that cannot worship God freely. They have to meet in secret so that no one can find them. If they were caught they would get throw into prison and sometimes even killed.

On this day we remember the men and women who fought for our freedom. But we also remember Jesus Christ who fought for our freedom. He died so that we could have freedom from our sins.

As we remember the patriots that died for our country, let us also remember our Savior who died for us. But the great thing is that Jesus did not stay dead! He rose from the dead on the third day!

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/memorial-day

He Took Away Our Sin

Easter Object Lesson

Key Verse

1 Peter 2:24

Additional Verses

2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:4-6; Hebrews 9:28; Matthew 8:17; Galatians 3:13

Materials Needed

  • Large shirt that you don’t mind ruining. A button up shirt will probably work the best as it is easiest to put on and off.
  • Black washable marker (In case it should bleed through)

Object Lesson

(Call up a volunteer and have them put the large shirt on.)

Here is my friend and just like you they have sinned against God at times. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that we have all sinned, so let us think of some different sins that this person may have committed. (You can ask for sins if you want, or you can just write down the ones that you want to.)

Stealing. Maybe this person was at a store and really wanted a pack of candy and instead of paying for it they just snuck it into their pocket. That is a sin, and we will write it down. (White “stealing” on the shirt in permanent marker.)

Maybe this person told a lie also, so let’s write that down as well. (Write “lying” somewhere else on the shirt.

Perhaps they were taking a test and they decided to cheat, do you think that would please God? No! Let’s write down “cheating” as well.

Maybe they were playing ball with some friends and they all started bullying someone else who wasn’t playing the game as well. Let’s write down “bullying” too.

(Feel free to write down as many as you want to.)

Wow! Look at this person! They are covered in sin, aren’t they? Do you think that they can wipe all these sins off?

(Instruct the helper to try to wipe all the sins off of the shirt.)

They may scrub and wipe and struggle, but there is nothing that they can do to remove these sins that we have written down. There is no way to make themselves clean again.

(Have another volunteer come out and play Jesus, or you can play it.)

What Jesus did when he went and died on Calvary was he took the sins away from us. God could not be near sin and since we were covered with sin God could not be near us. So Jesus took our sins and put them on himself.

(Have the helper remove the shirt.  Have “Jesus” put it on himself, or put it on yourself.)

Then when God saw Jesus all he could see was the sin. Jesus died on the cross wearing all of our sin on his back. When Jesus died sin and death could not hold him any longer. (Take the shirt off and throw it far from you.) Jesus came back alive and left the sin in the grave. He is now alive and offers us freedom from the sin that once held us captive.

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/took-away-sin