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Christmas Tree Meaning

christmas tree

Key Verse

1 John 4:19

Additional Verses

Matthew 14:31; John 3:16; Romans 5:8

Materials Needed

  • A Christmas tree. You can use a full-sized one or just a small one.

Object Lesson

(For more Christmas ornament meanings please check out our heartwarming Christmas story book “The Jesus Tree“)

Many of us will put up a Christmas Tree in our homes and decorate it for the holidays using different christmas lights that can even be purchase online. Some people use an artificial tree and some people will cut down a living tree to use. I always prefer a real tree because it reminds me that Jesus is alive and powerful.

As we look into the tree we see the trunk in the middle and branches that are extending out from it. When I see the branches of a Christmas Tree it reminds me that Jesus is reaching His arms out to us. He loves us so much that he came to the earth so that he could give us eternal life in Heaven.

The tree also reminds me about the cross that he was crucified on. It was made out of the wood of a tree. As Jesus hung on the cross his arms were still spread out wide. Open to us.

In 1 John 4:19 it says that we love Jesus because he first loved us.

Jesus loves us and offers us the free gift of eternal life. As you see your Christmas Tree this season let it remind you of Jesus and that he loves you so very much!

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-tree-meaning

Light of the World

Light of the World

Key Verse

John 8:12

Additional Verses

John 12:46; John 9:5; John 3:19

Materials Needed

  • String of Christmas lights

Object Lesson

(For more Christmas ornament meanings please check out our heartwarming Christmas Story Book)

(Show the strand of unlit Christmas lights.)

Do any of you decorate your trees or your houses with Christmas lights? Or maybe you will drive around at night looking at all the lights that people have hung up? Some people do some amazing things, others even get glowdecoration sticks just for it! What is the most impressive display you have seen? (Allow for responses.)

How do my lights look? Not too good right now, do they!

(Plug the lights in.)

That’s better isn’t it! No the lights can shine bright and beautiful. Do you know the reason that we have so many lights at Christmastime? We have them so that we can remember Jesus!

In John 8:12 Jesus says that He is the Light of the World! These lights remind us that Jesus is the light of the world! That means that he shines brightly into the darkness and brings light!

This Christmas as we decorate our trees and houses with Christmas lights let us remember that they are not just a pretty decoration but that they also reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world!

Incoming search terms:

  • light of the world object lesson

The Christmas Star

christmas star

Key Verse

Matthew 2:2

Additional Verses

Luke 2:11; Numbers 24:17

Materials Needed

  • Star Christmas tree topper

Object Lesson

(For more Christmas ornament meanings please check out our heartwarming Christmas story book, The Jesus Tree.)

Around this time of year many of us put up Christmas Trees. Have any of you put up a Christmas Tree yet? What kinds of things do you decorate it with? (Allow for responses.)

(Show the star.)

Often times we will put a star up on the very top of the Christmas Tree. Do you know why we put a star on the top of our tree? In Matthew 2:2 we read that the wise men followed a very bright star that was shining in the sky and it led them to Jesus. So, we put a star on the top of our tree to remind us that the star lead the wise men to him.

God wants us to be like the star and lead people to Jesus too. We can let our light shine brightly so those people who are seeking the savior can find him. Are you shining brightly for Jesus? Are you pointing the way to him?

Incoming search terms:

  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-star
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-star#:~:text=In Matthew 2:2 we lead people to Jesus too