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We Are All One

Key Verse
Galatians 3:28
Additional Verses
Colossians 3:11; 1 Corinthians 12:12-30; Ephesians 4:2-5; Acts 17:26-28; 1 Corinthians 9:20
Materials Needed
- Several varieties of apples (different colors and sizes)
Object Lesson
(Hold up one of the apples.)
Does anyone know what kind of fruit this is? (Wait for a response.) That’s right this is an apple. What color is it? (Wait for response.)
(Show a different apple.)
Do you know what type of fruit this is? (Allow for a response.) Yes, it is also an apple.
(Continue showing all the apples.)
Tell me what is different about these pieces of fruit? (Wait for a response.) They are different colors. Some are different shapes. Some are big. Some are little. I have several varieties here.
(Can you tell me what is the same about this fruit that I have? (Wait for a response.) They are all apples! They all have a stem. They all have a peel. They all have seeds inside. And they all taste delicious!
This reminds me about how God created people equally. We may look different on the outside. Some of us may be African, Hispanic, white, Eskimo, Indian, or a variety of other nationalities. Some of us may be thin, or some of us may be chubby. Some of us are boys while others are girls.
The Scriptures tell us in Galatians 3:28 that we are all one in Christ. This means that we are equal. So if we are all one in Christ we should treat each others the same way we want to be treated regardless of how they look.
We should not look down on someone because they are not the same as us. If we are going to be a Church that reaches others we will need to work together.
Incoming search terms:
- rapidlyga9
Bad Company Corrupts Good Character

Key Verse
1 Corinthians 15:33
Additional Verses
Proverbs 13:20; Proverbs 14:7; Psalms 1:1-4; 2 Corinthians 6:14
Materials Needed
- Basket of good apples
- One rotten apple
Bury the rotten apple in the basket of fresh apples.
Object Lesson
Does anyone here like apples? Apples are such a delicious fruit. You can use them to make juice, pies, or just eat them plain! Did you know that the apple is part of the rose family? One of the great things about apples is that they will stay fresh for a month or more if you keep them cool!
I have a nice basket of fresh apples here, but did you know that these apples won’t stay fresh for very long? In fact, I guarantee that they will be rotten in just a few days! How do I know this? (Start taking out apples until you get to the rotten one and hold it up.)
There is a rotten apple in here! Would anyone like to take a bite out of this one? Did you know that if a rotten apple is touching another apple the fresh apple will start to rot too? And then it spreads quickly from apple to apple. Before you know it then entire basket of apples will be rotten! Just because I left one rotten apple in here.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that “bad company corrupts good character.” That means when you hang around people who are a bad influence if will begin to rub off on you. You might not even notice it at first, but you will start picking up their bad habits and acting like them. Before you know if you will be a bad influence too!
So be very careful when you are around people who are a bad influence. People that have a rotten heart. Don’t hang out with them! Because they will begin to pull you down and before you know if you may be acting just like them!
Incoming search terms:
- bad company corrupts good character illustration
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/bad-company-corrupts-good-character
- bad company corrupts good character
- bad company corrupts good character sermon
- bad company corrupts good character object lesson
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/bad-company-corrupts-good-character#:~:text=The Bible says in 1 habits and acting like them