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Friction or Peace


Key Verse

Matthew 5:9

Additional Verses

Romans 12:18; Psalm 34:14; Galatians 5:22-23

Materials Needed

  • Just your hands

Object Lesson

Everyone show me your hands. Now clap them together and hold them firmly. (Demonstrate this as you go along.) Now rub them back and forth. Faster! Faster!

(Have everyone keep rubbing their hands together until they start to heat up a lot.)

Do you feel your hands heating up? Do you know why they heat up like that? It’s because the friction between your hands. As you rub them together the friction generates heat.

This is what happens when two people are around each other. They start rubbing each other the wrong way. They start irritating each other and they get frustrated. As their frustrating and friction increases the heat builds up. Not the kind of heat that warms up your hands, but this heat comes out with anger or being a hot head.

If you are in a situation that causes friction with someone else you should try to bring peace instead of bringing anger. The Bible says in Matthew 5:9 that God blessed those that work for peace. Peace is also one of the fruits of the spirit.

Maybe you see two other people who are rubbing each other the wrong way. Being a peacemaker means that you step in and try to bring peace to the situation. Some people just sit back and don’t try to help, but God blesses you when you try to bring peace.

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  • object lessons on peace
  • peace object lessons for kids
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