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Body of Christ

Body of Christ

Key Verse

1 Corinthians 12:21-26

Additional Verses

Romans 12:4-5; Philippians 2:2; 1 Peter 3:8; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Colossians 3:14

Materials Needed

  • Rainbow Loom style bracelet. These are bracelets that are made by connecting very small rubber bands together in creative patterns.

Object Lesson

(Show the bracelet.)

Do any of you have a bracelet or necklace like this? Have you ever made one before? Do you know what the cool think about these bracelets is? That they are made from dozens of little rubber bands.

(Point to one of the bands in the middle.)

Do you know what would happen if I cut this band here in the middle? (Wait for a response.) That’s right, the whole thing would come all apart. This bracelet is made up of a bunch of small little bands so you would think that some bands might be less important. In reality, all of the bands are important and if just one of them breaks then the whole band comes apart.

The Body of Christ is very much like this. In 1 Corinthians 12:21-26 it talks about how each and every person plays a very important part in the Body of Christ. One part can’t say that it is any more important than another. We are all important to God.

When we are all working together, like this bracelet, then we are in unity. That means that we are working together to do God’s will! God doesn’t want us always fighting with each other. He wants us to work together, because when we are in unity we can accomplish so much more than we can alone.

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  • body of christ object lesson
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