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What Can Wash Away My Sins?

Key Verse
John 3:16
Additional Verses
Romans 3:23; Hebrews 9:22; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 5:8; Luke 13:3; John 3:36
Materials Needed
- Mirror, piece of glass or polished metal (could even be a TV or anything with a glass surface, but if you use a TV you will need to put a signal through it to make the marker visible)
- Red dry erase marker
- Black sharpie permanent marker
- Spray bottle with water in it
- Cloth or paper towel
Make sure you try this before you do it live.
Object Lesson
(Hold up the mirror and let the kids look into it.)
What do you see? (Wait for responses.) You can see yourself in it so this mirror is going to represent you. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that, “all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard.” How many of you have ever done anything wrong? The Bible tells us that all of us have sinned, so let’s say you cheated at school.
(Put a mark on the glass or even write the name of the sin in small letters with the black permanent marker).
This permanent marker is going to represent the sins in our lives. Then later on you tell your parents a lie. (Put another mark on the glass).
Perhaps your parents ask you to take out the garbage, but you are very disrespectful and you disobey. (Put another mark on the glass.)
Maybe you start picking on your sister, and calling her names and hurt her feelings. (Put another mark on the glass).
Now this glass doesn’t look very clean anymore. Maybe you feel really bad about the things that you have done, so you try to do something nice to make up for it, maybe you offer to set the table. (Spray some water on the screen and try to rub the marker off).
You still feel bad though, because there is nothing that we can do to take away the sins in our lives. (Add a few more marks).
They keep adding up the more wrong things that we do. There is a way to remove the sin in our life though. It is by receiving the free gift of forgiveness that Jesus offers to all of us. Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood so that we can be forgiven. It says in Hebrews 9:22 that without the shedding of blood there can’t be forgiveness of sin. (Start drawing with the red dry erase marker all over the black ink, make sure to cover it all completely or you the permanent marker won’t come off.)
What was once impossible for us to do, Jesus can do with His blood. (Take the rag and wipe off all the ink.)
If you feel like your life is filled with all kinds of bad things like this mirror was, you need Jesus to clean you with His blood. You need to receive His free gift of eternal life, because only Jesus can remove the sin in our life.
Incoming search terms:
- wash away sin object lesson
- what can wash away my sin object lesson
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/what-can-wash-away-sins
Run the Race

Key Verse
Hebrews 12:1
Additional Verses
1 Corinthians 9:24; Romans 5:3-4; Isaiah 40:31; Matthew 24:13; James 1:12
Materials Needed
- Any kind of baggage. Bags, backpacks, anything, just make sure you are loaded down. I will list a few things in the object lesson that you could use or you can just adapt it to whatever you have.
- Sneakers. You can already have these on
Object Lesson
(Come out holding all your things and wearing your sneakers.)
Have any of you ever ran a race before? Did you win? I am getting ready to run a race today and I have everything I will need. I have a CD player because I have found out that if I listen to music I can run a lot faster. I also brought a cooler full of drinks and food just in case I get hungry or thirsty. You don’t want to run on an empty stomach!
I also have an umbrella if it starts to rain, that way I can stay dry. I am also going to bring a beach chair because I may need to take a break somewhere along the way. I have a first aid kit too because you never know when you will have to do emergency surgery on yourself!
I just know that I am going to win! How do you think I will do in this race? (Wait for responses.) You don’t think I will do very well? Why not? (Wait for responses.) You think I am carrying too much stuff? But I need all of these things don’t I?
This kind of reminds me of what the Bible says in Hebrews 12:1. It says that we should put off all the things that weigh us down and run the race that God has for us. I would probably run a lot faster if I laid all these things down!
We can run the path God has for us faster and better if we lay down the things that weight us down. Maybe we need to lay down a sin. Maybe we should lay down a bad habit. Maybe we will have to lay down a relationship that is not good. We need to lay down anything that is getting in the way of us moving closer to God.
Incoming search terms:
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/run-race
- running the race bible lesson
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/run-race#:~:text=It says that we should to lay down a sin
- running the race activities
Don’t Explode with Anger

Key Verse
Ephesians 4:26
Additional Verses
Psalm 4:4, Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:1, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Ephesians 4:26-27, Colossians 3:8
Materials Needed
- Can of soda
Object Lesson
The bible tells us in Ephesians 4:26 that when we get angry we need to be very careful not to sin. Sinning is when we do something that goes against God’s rules for our life like pushing, fighting, and saying unkind things.
Have you ever been really mad at someone?
(Take out can of soda.)
When we get angry it is like shaking this can of soda up. (Shake the can hard then act like you are going to open it.)
What would happen if I opened this can? It would explode everywhere!
(Set the can down and make sure you give it at least a minute or two before picking it up again. It would be best if you test this before presenting it.)
So if you were are all angry like this can and you sin by getting in a fight or calling someone bad names it would be like opening this can and it spraying everywhere!
Sometimes what we need to do it walk away and pray and ask God to help us to calm down and not respond in sin.
(Take the can and open it. It should open normally now. Make this dramatic so the kids think it will spray everywhere.)
See all this can needed was a few moments of quite and it calmed down and it could be opened without exploding. When we are angry we open need a few moment so that we can react without sinning.
Anger, angry, sin, fight, hurtful words
Incoming search terms:
- free bible lessons
- object lesson on anger
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/dont-explode-with-anger
- object lessons on anger
- anger object lesson
- ephesians 4:26 kids lesson
- sunday school lesson on anger
- youth bible study on anger
- object lesson on anger for children
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