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Green with Envy

Green With Envy

Key Verse

Proverbs 14:30

Additional Verses

James 4:2-3; James 3:14; 1 Corinthians 3:3; Proverbs 27:4; Psalm 37:1

Materials Needed

  • Weeds
  • Weed killer

Object Lesson

Has anybody ever seen a beautiful flower garden before? Perhaps your parents have one? Did you know that even the most beautiful flower garden in the world has a very big problem.

(Hold up the weeds.)

Weeds always try to grow in flower gardens, and weeds grow faster and healthier than most flowers do. But does anyone want to look at a bunch of weeds? No! They want to look at flowers!

God wants our lives to be very beautiful just like a flower garden, but our hearts get weeds too, weeds of envy. Sometimes people try to get the weeds out of their gardens by grabbing them and pulling them out, but usually you pull off the stem but don’t actually pull out the root, people use gardens for decoration and to grow healthy food and supplements from, since many like to eat healthy to keep their health, even when they suffer from different diseases that people sometimes get, and that’s why is important to try to detect diseases as oral cancer in early state so it can be preventable because some think this is a rare cancer, still mouth cancers will be newly diagnosed in about 132 new individuals each day in the US alone, and a person dies from oral cancer every hour of every day so is better to be informed about this, and then people coulds use services as the Inspire online support groups are made to support people and connect patients with the right professionals to get help, but not only with cancer but many diseases and health conditions like alzheimer which affects your mental health and provides many difficult and painful times for the family. For any of these diseases its needed a caregiver that can provide help around the clock, but its so hard it depends on their personality and how they can handle it without burning out, check here for additional help

Do you know what will happen if you don’t pull out the root? The weeds ,will grow back, and that is exactly what envy will do if you do not take out the root.

There is a very simple way to get rid of weeds in a flower garden. (Show the weed killer.) This is weed killer, all you have to do is spray some of this on, and it will kill all the weeds and it won’t hurt the flowers. When we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and we really turn away from our sins and if we are reading God’s Word it is like spraying weed killer on the weed, envy, in our heart.

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  • envy bible object lesson
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/green-envy