bread alone
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By Bread Alone
![by bread alone](
Key Verse
Matthew 4:4
Additional Verses
Psalm 119:105; Joshua 1:8; Hebrews 4:12
Materials Needed
- Slice of white bread
- Cup of water
Object Lesson
(Hold up a slice of bread.)
Does anyone here think that you can eat this whole entire slice of bread? (Select a volunteer. Either a child or adult with work fine. You may want to test this out, but generally it is not possible for a person to eat a slice of bread in under a minute without drinking water with it.)
OK, all you have to do is eat this slice or bread. The only catch is that you only has 60 seconds to do it. Do you think you can eat this whole slice of bread in only 60 seconds? (Most people will feel very confident that they can eat it quickly.)
Are you read? Get set. Go!
(Being timing the person as they try to eat the bread. Most likely they will take a few bites and spend a long time trying to chew it. Once they get down to 10 seconds have everyone help count it down.)
That wasn’t as easy as it looked was it? In Matthew 4:4 Jesus said that man cannot live by bread alone but they need the Words of God, just like you couldn’t eat this slice of bread on its own. There is a trick though, would you like to try it again?
(Hand them a glass of water and tell them that they can drink it as often as they need.)
Are you ready? Get set. Go!
(They should be able to finish the bread quickly this time.)
See, you were not able to finish it when you were just eating the bread alone but when you added the water it became really easy. As a believer in God we need more than just food to sustain us also. We need to also ready, study and meditate on God’s Word as that brings us true life.
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- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/bread-alone#:~:text=In Matthew 4:4 Jesus as often as they need )
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/bread-alone#:~:text=In Matthew 4:4 Jesus of bread on its own