Time to be Changed

Key Verse
2 Corinthians 5:17
Additional Verses
Romans 12:2; Galatians 2:20; 1 John 1:9; Psalm 51:10-12
Materials Needed
- Baby doll with diaper
Object Lesson
(Hold the doll while you talk.)
Do you guys spend very much time with babies or little toddlers? Raise your hands if you have a baby brother or sister. Raise your hand if you have a baby cousin?
Well, I really love babies. They are so cute and fun to play with and they make a lot of goo-goo-ga-ga sounds. Let me hear your best baby sounds (allow for response).
Now, as fun as babies are and as much as we love them, they do something that I do not like very much. They poop! Yup, they make a mess in their diapers. Now when baby has a dirty diaper, their mom and dad still loves them right? They still accept that baby no matter how stinky it is, but do they leave their baby with a dirty diaper? No, of course not! What do they do? They change them into a clean diaper.
That reminds me of the verse in the Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” You see God loves and accepts us no matter how we come to him, even if we have stinky sin in our lives. Even if we’ve lied, or cheated on a test or stole something, God still loves us and He wants us to come to him to be saved. However, through Christ, God want us to become a new person so that we are not the same anymore.
If you were lying, he wants you to stop lying. If you’ve been using bad language, he wants you to clean up your words. God is a good Father and he wants us to change for the better, so we can become more like Jesus. So the next time you are around a little baby and you start to smell something funny, I want you to remember that you are a new creation in Christ you are not the same anymore.
Pressed Down

Key Verse
Luke 6:38
Additional Verses
Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:24-25; Matthew 6:21; 2 Corinthians 9:6
Materials Needed
- 1 bag brown sugar (sugar should be fresh and moist)
- A cup
- 2 ziplock bags
- Paper plate (optional)
- Garbage bag
- Chair for a child to sit in
Before the object lesson, place a large garbage bag on the floor and put the chair on top of it for easy clean-up.
Object Lesson
The Bible says that if you give to others, you will receive and that your gift will return to you in full. That means that if you are generous to others, they will be generous back to you.
Have you heard the verse that says “you will reap what you sow” or maybe you’ve heard the expression “what goes around comes around.” Well, that’s exactly what this verse is talking about. Luke 6:38 also says that when you give, you will receive the blessing back but it will be pressed down and shaken together to make room for more.
Now I brought some brown sugar with me today and I am going to do a little experiment. I am going to put some brown sugar into two different bags and I want you to tell me which bag has more than the other. I am going to use he same size cup to do this.
(Take the cup and loosely scoop some brown sugar and put it into one of the ziplock bags).
Now I’m going to put some in the other bag, but I am going to pack the sugar down.
(Pack as much sugar as possible into the cup and plunk it into the second bag).
Now I need a volunteer to hold both of these bags and tell me which one they think has more sugar in it. (Allow a couple of volunteers to tell you what they think). Yes, the sugar that I pressed down has more in it.
God says that’s how much we will get return when we give. Luke 6:38 goes on to say that we will receive our blessing pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over and poured into your lap.
Now I need another volunteer to help me. (Have volunteer sit in the chair and put the paper plate on their lap).
I am going to give you a blessing like the Bible is talking about. (Scoop some brown sugar up with the cup, over the volunteer’s lap. Pack it down, then continue pouring sugar into the cup until it spills all over the volunteer’s lap and even onto the floor).
That is how much God will bless you if you give generously to others. The amount you give will determine the amount you give back.
Tied to God’s Instructions

Key Verse
Proverbs 4:13
Additional Verses
Psalm 78:10; Psalm 119:34; Psalm 119:61
Materials Needed
- Kite with string
Object Lesson
(Hold up the kite.)
Once upon a kite there was a boy who wanted a kite so badly. Every day he would do his chores so he could earn some money. He even went to his neighbor’s house to help them so that he could earn a little bit more.
After a few weeks he had saved up enough money and his mom drove him to the toy store. He walked right over to the kite section and picked out his favorite one. Once he had paid for the kite he went home and quickly began putting it together.
Once it was assembled it was truly a remarkable kite, so the boy ran to a nearby field and the kite gently lifted off the ground. Once the kite started to soar the kite said to itself, “Look at me! I am the most beautiful kite in the whole world!”
The kite began to soar higher and higher but then the kite noticed that there was a string tied to it. The kite said, “Why is this string tied to me? I want to be free! Then I can soar anywhere I want!” So the kite began to tug hard against the string.
Harder and harder the kite pulled against the string until at last it snapped.”I’m free!” the kite squealed as he began to drift on the wind. Before the kite knew what was happening he realized that he was not flying at all, but he was tumbling faster and faster towards the ground. The kite did everything it could to fly higher, but it was no use, and at last it crashed into the dirt with a crack.
A few minutes later the boy came running over and picked up the kite and the broken pieces and said to the kite, “Silly kite, didn’t you know that the string pulling on you want what allowed you to fly? You wanted freedom, but instead it made you crash.”
Imagine that you are like that kite. You are flying higher and higher. God’s Word is like the string that holds you firmly. As long as you stay anchored in God’s instructions by reading and obeying the Word you can soar high. But if you pull and try to break free then we will come crashing down.
Proverbs 4:13 says that God’s instructions is the key to life. We should hold tightly onto His instructions and not try to run from them.
What’s in Your Heart?

Key Verse
Luke 6:45
Additional Verses
Ephesians 4:29; Matthew 15:18-19; Ephesians 4:29
Materials Needed
- Cup of hot water
- Tea bag (a variety of tea bags would be better)
Object Lesson
(Hold up the cup of hot water.)
Does anyone know what this is? (Wait for a response.) That’s right, it is a cup of water, but not just any water, this is hot water.
(Hold up the tea bag.)
Do you know what this is? (Wait for a response.) Correct, it is a tea bag. Can anyone tell me what color of tea this tea bag will make? (Wait for responses.) Those are good guesses, but there is no way for you to know until I brew it in this hot water.
(Place the tea bag in the hot water.)
When we look around at each other on Sunday at church we kind of look like this tea bag. We all dress similar. We talk the same. We act the same. But is that who we really are? No, not necessarily. Some of us might really love God and are following Him as best we can and some of us might now even care at all.
(Hold up the cup of tea.)
What am I holding now? (Allow a response.) That’s right, it is not longer hot water. Now it is tea, and we can see what color it is! What color is it?
Just like we can’t tell what color a tea will become before putting it in hot water, we cannot tell what’s in your heart until you are in hot water. In Luke 6:45 it says that a good person produces good things and a bad person produces bad things. What kind of hot water? Maybe you get in trouble. Maybe when you get hurt. Maybe when someone teases you. When we are in hot water the real “you” comes out!
We need to make sure that when we face the “hot water” of life that good things come out and not bad things.
Love One Another

Key Verse
1 John 4:7-8
Additional Verses
John 17:21-23; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; 1 Peter 3:8
Materials Needed
- Bike wheel
Object Lesson
(Hold up the bike wheel.)
Does anyone know what this is? (Allow the kids to respond.) That’s right it is a bike wheel. And does anyone know what these are called? (Point to the spokes.) These are the spokes. The spokes job is to hold the wheel together. Here near the rim you see that the spokes are pretty wide apart, but they get closer together as they get closer to the hub.
Let’s pretend that each of you are a spoke on this wheel. What do you think we could pretend the hub is? (Wait for a response.) Let’s make-believe that this hub is God.
Do you know what the interesting thing is? The closer you get to God the closer you get to each other! You may say that you want to get closer to God but you don’t want to get closer to others. Well, it doesn’t work that way!
In 1 John 4:7-8 is says that if you love others then you love God but if you don’t love others you don’t love God. So the more that you love God the more you will also love one another by caring for those that are around you.
Iron Sharpens Iron

Key Verse
Proverbs 27:17
Additional Verses
Hebrews 10:24; Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 13:1
Materials Needed
- Two knives
Object Lesson
(Pull out both knives and sharpen them together as a chef would do.)
Have you ever seen anyone do this before? What are they doing? (Wait for answers.) They are sharpening the knife. If you slide two knives together at the right angle they will actually sharpen each other!
In Proverbs 27:17 it says that friends sharpen each other just like knives can sharpen each other. Did you know that just like iron sharpens iron you can help to sharpen your friends and they can help to sharpen you? You won’t get a sharp edge on you, but you will be closer to God and more courageous and ready to follow God.
How do we sharpen each other? By praying together. By talking about the things that we face and encouraging each other. Sometimes just knowing that someone else is facing the same things that you are makes you feel stronger.
As followers of Jesus we are supposed to go in to the world and share His love with those that are lost, but it is very important that we also have some good friends that follow Jesus that can help to keep us sharp.
Staying on Fire for God

Key Verse
Hebrews 10:25
Additional Verses
Matthew 18:20; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Acts 2:42
Materials Needed
- Bag of charcoal
Object Lesson
(Hold up the bag of charcoal.)
Have you ever had a barbecue outside using this before? Most people use gas grills these days, but nothing can compare to the taste of something grilled over charcoal. Most people don’t use them because they are more difficult to light.
(Pour out a pile of briquettes.)
You start with a pile of briquettes which you light and let it burn until they are all hot. Then you spread them out on the grill and cook over the fire.
(Remove one of the briquettes.)
What do you think would happen if you reach in and grab one of the briquettes and take it out of the fire? (Wait for a response.) That’s right, it would go out because it is not longer close to the fire. What would be the best way to get this briquette hot again? (Wait for a response.) Put it back in the fire!
In Hebrews 10:25 it says that we should not forget about getting together with other believers. When do we do that? When we come to church, or have a small group or even getting together with other people who follow Christ for dinner. When we start forgetting to do this it is like pulling that briquette out of the fire. (Pull the briquette out again.) We may stay on fire for God for a little while, but we will soon burn out.
What do you think is the best way for us to get fired back up again? To start to fellowship with other believers and start going to church again. This is how we make sure we stay on fire for God.
Same Measure You Used

Key Verse
Luke 6:38
Additional Verses
Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:24-25; Matthew 6:21; 2 Corinthians 9:6
Materials Needed
- Small measuring cup (1 cup)
- Large measuring cup (several cups)
- Large pot or barrel
Object Lesson
Once up a time a king decided that he wanted to see how generous the people of his kingdom were. So the king dressed like a poor man and went into the countryside.
He came to a home and he knocked on the door. A man came to the door and the king kindly held asked, “May I have some rice to feed myself and my family?”
The man at the door took a few moments and then agreed to help. A few moments later the man returned with a small cup (show the smallest cup) of rice which he gave to the king. The king bowed and kindly thanked the fellow and went on his way.
The king came to another home, and knocked again on the door. A mother came and answered the door. The king kindly asked, “May I have some rice to feed myself and my family?”
The woman quickly agreed and quickly went into the house. She returned a few moments later with a large scoop (show the next sized measure) full of rice which she gave to the king. The king thanked her and went on his way.
The king soon arrived at a third house and an elderly man answered the door. Once again the king asked, “May I have some rice to feed myself and my family?”
The elderly man’s eyes lit up and he quickly hobbled away. After a few minutes the man returned to the door straining to carry a very large pot (show the largest container) full and overflowing of rice. The man handed it over to the king, along with a few small coins and wished him well.
The king returned to his castle and had one of his servants go to the homes that he visited and send for them to visit the king. The servant went quickly and soon returned with the three that the king visited. The servant was instructed to lead them into his royal treasury where they would each see the container that had been used to give him the rice and that each would be able to take as much treasure as was able to fit into their measure.
How do you think the person that used the small measure felt when they entered the royal treasury?
In Luke 6:38 we are told that whatever measure we use to bless others is the same measure that God will use to bless us. Let us be generous to others so that we can receive God’s full blessing on our lives.
Pressed Down, Shaken Together and Running Over

Key Verse
Luke 6:38
Additional Verses
Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:24-25; Matthew 6:21; 2 Corinthians 9:6
Materials Needed
- Potato chips or box of cereal
Object Lesson
How many of you like to eat potato chips? What is your favorite kind? (Wait for responses.)
I love to eat chips, but I am always so disappointed when I open the bag. I have this huge bag of chips and I open it up (open the bag of chips and show the inside) and it is only half full! It’s like I went to buy a bag of air and I found a couple chips inside!
The Bible says in Luke 6:38 that we should give generously to others. I know that it isn’t always easy to give things away though. What are some reasons that we might not want to give things away? (Wait for some responses.) Maybe because we are afraid that we won’t have enough?
Well in that verse is says that when we give it will come back to us. But not just the same that we gave! It won’t come back like this back of chips, half empty. It will come back pressed down, shaken together and running over! Most bags of chips and boxes of cereal say “some settling may occur during shipping.” Well God doesn’t allow settling to happen during shipping. He presses our blessings down, shakes them together and adds more until it is running over!
So, whenever you feel hesitant to help someone in need or be generous, just remember that God will bless you more than you can even imagine!