Never Changing

God never changes

Key Verse

Hebrews 13:8

Additional Verses

James 1:17; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 1:12

Materials Needed

  • Colorful fall leaves. (If you don’t have any you can cut them out of colored construction paper or buy them at most craft stores.)

Object Lesson

(Show a variety of fall leaves).

During autumn all the leaves on the trees start to change colors. Red. Orange. Yellow. Brown. Do you know what they do after they change color? They fall down to the ground. That’s why we call it the Fall. Then we rake the leaves and we can jump and play in them.

Did you know that God is NOT like these leaves? In Hebrews 13:8 we read that Jesus is the same yesterday as He is today! And that He will be the same tomorrow too! That means we can trust, rely and depend on Him!

These leaves grow and are blown by the wind and they eventually change colors, die and fall to the ground. But Jesus will never change like that. Sometimes people change that way, but not God.

God is faithful and trustworthy. We can always rely on Him to do what He says and to keep His promises. His word is always true!

So when we drive around and see the beautiful fall leaves we should remember that even though they may change our God will never change! He will always be there for us to love us and to protects us.

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  • HEBREW 13:8

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