Sweeter Than Honey

Key Verse
Psalm 119:103
Additional Verses
Psalm 19:9-10; Psalm 119:127; Psalm 119:72; Proverbs 8:19
Materials Needed
- Jar of honey.
- Toothpicks or Popsicle sticks if you want to let people taste the honey
Object Lesson
(Hold up the jar of honey and have a taste of it)
I love the taste of honey! Does anyone else love honey? What are some of the ways you can eat honey? (Allow the kids to respond.) I like to have some honey in my tea and on biscuits or toast. You can also make a peanut butter and honey sandwich.
Why do you think that we like honey so much? (Wait for a response.) Because it is sweet!
In Psalm 119:103 it says that God’s Words are even sweeter than this honey. Would you like to try it and see how good it tastes? (Let the kids try a sample.)
Does that mean we can take the Bible and just eat it and it will taste good? No way! This verse means that the principles and guidelines that we learn are good for us and make us into better people. It is refreshing and enjoyable to read and study God’s Word and God promises to bless us when we do. Many people thing that God’s Word is sour, but that is because they haven’t really read it and memorized it very much.