Recharge Your Batteries

Key Verse
Joshua 1:8
Additional Verses
Psalms 119:105; Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; Psalms 119:18
Materials Needed
- Cell phone with charger
- Bible
Object Lesson
(Hold up the cell phone.)
Have any of you ever used one of these before? What are cell phones used for? (Wait for responses.) I remember when cell phones were used only for making phone calls! Now they are used for so many more things! You can play games, listen to music, navigate, watch movies, and so much more. It is amazing how much you can do with a cell phone.
There is a problem that all cell phones have. Have you ever used a phone for a long period of time, maybe playing a game or listening to music, and then you glance up and see that the battery indicator shows the battery is almost dead?
What a horrible feeling that is! What do you do when that happens? Do you throw the phone into the garbage? Do you toss it on the ground and stomp all over it? Do you smash it with a huge hammer? No way! Of course not.
What you need is one of these!
(Hold up the phone charger.)
You have to plug the phone into the power and recharge it. The battery will start to charge up immediately and you will soon be at full power once again.
Did you know that your life is a lot like this cell phone. You may play games, watch movies and talk with your friends, but soon your spiritual battery begins to drain. You need to get recharged! You need to take time to read God’s Word on daily daily basis like it says to do in Joshua 1:8.
As you read God’s Word your faith and power will begin to increase and you will be able to do great things for the Kingdom of God. If you don’t take time to recharge your spirit will be weak and not able to do great things.
Just like you always remember to recharge the batteries in your cell phone make sure that you recharge your spiritual batteries each day also.
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- bible verses on recharge
- https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/recharge-your-batteries