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Search Term: don't explode with anger

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Don’t Explode with Anger

Don't Explode with Anger Object Lesson

Key Verse

Ephesians 4:26

Additional Verses

Psalm 4:4, Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:1, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Ephesians 4:26-27, Colossians 3:8

Materials Needed

  • Can of soda

Object Lesson

The bible tells us in Ephesians 4:26 that when we get angry we need to be very careful not to sin. Sinning is when we do something that goes against God’s rules for our life like pushing, fighting, and saying unkind things.

Have you ever been really mad at someone?

(Take out can of soda.)

When we get angry it is like shaking this can of soda up. (Shake the can hard then act like you are going to open it.)

What would happen if I opened this can? It would explode everywhere!

(Set the can down and make sure you give it at least a minute or two before picking it up again. It would be best if you test this before presenting it.)

So if you were are all angry like this can and you sin by getting in a fight or calling someone bad names it would be like opening this can and it spraying everywhere!

Sometimes what we need to do it walk away and pray and ask God to help us to calm down and not respond in sin.

(Take the can and open it. It should open normally now. Make this dramatic so the kids think it will spray everywhere.)

See all this can needed was a few moments of quite and it calmed down and it could be opened without exploding. When we are angry we open need a few moment so that we can react without sinning.

Anger, angry, sin, fight, hurtful words


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  • object lesson on anger for children

Don’t Give Up

Don't Give Up

Key Verse

Galatians 6:9

Additional Verses

James 1:12; Romans 5:3-5; 2 Timothy 1:12

Materials Needed

  • Cork from a bottle

Object Lesson

(Hold up the cork.)

Does anyone know what this is? (Wait for response.) That’s right, it is a cork.

I heard a story about a little cork that was floating in the middle of the ocean. How small do you think this cork would feel in the middle of the ocean? Pretty tiny.

A whale was swimming by and happened to see the little cork floating there so the whale flipped him tail at the cork and playfully pushed it deep into the water. Do you know what happened? The cork popped back up!

The whale was confused and swam back by and this time it jumped into the air and landed on the cork with all of its massive weight. A few moments later do you know what happened? The cork popped back up to the surface.

Soon other whales gathers around and each took turns trying to sink the cork, but each time it would slowly pop back up.

Finally the cork looked at the whales and said, “I’m not made of the stuff that sinks.”

Are you made of the stuff that sinks? When tough things come at us and try to sink us do you give up and let it keep you down or do you pop right back up? We should get right back up! God doesn’t want us to give up, he wants us to keep going strong no matter what comes at us in life.

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  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/dont-give
  • bible lessons on never quitting

Bursting with Anger

Key Verse

Ephesians 4:6

Additional Verses

Psalm 4:4, Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:1, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Ephesians 4:26-27, Colossians 3:8

Materials Needed

  • 2 Balloons
  • Needle

Object Lesson

Have you ever been angry before? I sure have! (Tell a personal story about when you got angry).

It is so easy for us to get angry when things don’t go just the way we want them to.  Maybe you get angry when someone says something mean to you?  The bible says in Ephesians 4:6 that it is okay to get angry, but it is not okay to sin.

(Take one of the balloons and hold it up)

This balloon is going to represent you.  You wake up in the morning and you are getting ready to go so you go to grab yourself some of your favorite cereal but then you notice that it is all gone!  (Blow up the balloon a little).  Then you get on your bike to take a bike ride and you realize that your tire is flat.  (Blow more into the balloon).  You see one of your friends but instead of greeting you he points at you and starts to laugh.  (Blow it up the rest of the way and then tie it off).

Many times instead of giving their anger to God we let it built up inside of us almost to the point where we feel like we are going to pop.  Then your mom comes and asks your to clean up your room.  (Pop the balloon with the needle).  BAM!  You get mad and start yelling and dishonoring your mother.  You were angry, but not you have exploded and started to sin.

(Take out the other balloon).

Instead of letting it all build up when something bad happened you should give it to God.  (Blow up the second balloon).  Then pray and ask God to help you to handle it better.  (Let all the air out)  Maybe something else gets you upset.  (Blow the balloon up again).  But you remember that God does not want us to sin when we are angry.  (Let the air out again).


Friction or Peace


Key Verse

Matthew 5:9

Additional Verses

Romans 12:18; Psalm 34:14; Galatians 5:22-23

Materials Needed

  • Just your hands

Object Lesson

Everyone show me your hands. Now clap them together and hold them firmly. (Demonstrate this as you go along.) Now rub them back and forth. Faster! Faster!

(Have everyone keep rubbing their hands together until they start to heat up a lot.)

Do you feel your hands heating up? Do you know why they heat up like that? It’s because the friction between your hands. As you rub them together the friction generates heat.

This is what happens when two people are around each other. They start rubbing each other the wrong way. They start irritating each other and they get frustrated. As their frustrating and friction increases the heat builds up. Not the kind of heat that warms up your hands, but this heat comes out with anger or being a hot head.

If you are in a situation that causes friction with someone else you should try to bring peace instead of bringing anger. The Bible says in Matthew 5:9 that God blessed those that work for peace. Peace is also one of the fruits of the spirit.

Maybe you see two other people who are rubbing each other the wrong way. Being a peacemaker means that you step in and try to bring peace to the situation. Some people just sit back and don’t try to help, but God blesses you when you try to bring peace.

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  • object lesson on peace
  • object lessons on peace
  • peace object lessons for kids
  • https://freebiblelessons net/tag/angry

Self Control

Self control Bible lesson

Key Verse

1 Peter 4:7

Additional Verses

Galatians 5:22-23; Proverbs 25:28; 1 Corinthians 9:27; Titus 1:8; Titus 2:12

Materials Needed

  • Dog leash

Object Lesson

(Take out the dog leash and show it to every one.)

Does anyone know what this is? That’s right, it is a dog leash. Do you know what it is used for? (Wait for responses.) You clip it to a dog’s collar so that way they can’t get away from you.

Have you ever walked a dog before? Most of the time they don’t just walk calmly by your side. They are running around and sniffing different things and leaving their “mark” on other things. That is why you need to use a leash. If you didn’t have a leash your dog might be running all over the place and it might get in all kinds of trouble. The leash helps you to control the dog and not let it get to far from you.

In 1 Peter 4:7 it says that God wants us to have self-control. Self-control is kind of like this leash that you would put on a dog, except it is putting a leash on yourself. Have you ever worn a leash before? When we have self-control we don’t let our self just go any do any and everything we want to. We make sure that it is something that would please God. Just like a dog would like to run wild, our sinful nature wants to run wild and do whatever it wants. But God wants us to have self-control.

It is not always easy to control ourselves when we are tempted or when we are angry but this is what God wants us to do. The more we read and study God’s word we can learn the things that please Him. So don’t just let yourself run wild! Put a leash on yourself and exercise self-control!

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  • object lesson on self control
  • object lessons on self control
  • self control object lesson
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/self-control
  • Bible Lessons on Self Control

The Christmas Star

christmas star

Key Verse

Matthew 2:2

Additional Verses

Luke 2:11; Numbers 24:17

Materials Needed

  • Star Christmas tree topper

Object Lesson

(For more Christmas ornament meanings please check out our heartwarming Christmas story book, The Jesus Tree.)

Around this time of year many of us put up Christmas Trees. Have any of you put up a Christmas Tree yet? What kinds of things do you decorate it with? (Allow for responses.)

(Show the star.)

Often times we will put a star up on the very top of the Christmas Tree. Do you know why we put a star on the top of our tree? In Matthew 2:2 we read that the wise men followed a very bright star that was shining in the sky and it led them to Jesus. So, we put a star on the top of our tree to remind us that the star lead the wise men to him.

God wants us to be like the star and lead people to Jesus too. We can let our light shine brightly so those people who are seeking the savior can find him. Are you shining brightly for Jesus? Are you pointing the way to him?

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  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-star
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/christmas-star#:~:text=In Matthew 2:2 we lead people to Jesus too

Love One Another

love one another

Key Verse

1 John 4:7-8

Additional Verses

John 17:21-23; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; 1 Peter 3:8

Materials Needed

  • Bike wheel

Object Lesson

(Hold up the bike wheel.)

Does anyone know what this is? (Allow the kids to respond.) That’s right it is a bike wheel. And does anyone know what these are called? (Point to the spokes.) These are the spokes. The spokes job is to hold the wheel together. Here near the rim you see that the spokes are pretty wide apart, but they get closer together as they get closer to the hub.

Let’s pretend that each of you are a spoke on this wheel. What do you think we could pretend the hub is? (Wait for a response.) Let’s make-believe that this hub is God.

Do you know what the interesting thing is? The closer you get to God the closer you get to each other! You may say that you want to get closer to God but you don’t want to get closer to others. Well, it doesn’t work that way!

In 1 John 4:7-8 is says that if you love others then you love God but if you don’t love others you don’t love God. So the more that you love God the more you will also love one another by caring for those that are around you.

Incoming search terms:

  • object lesson on love
  • Love One Another Bible Lesson
  • love one another object lesson
  • object lessons on love
  • object lesson love
  • https://freebiblelessons net/object-lessons/love-one-another